I don’t have to live with a constant low-grade guilt because I’m not learning all I can now because I’ll still be learning in heaven. We will sing (Revelation 15:3-5). In other words, we will never stop learning about the extent of God’s goodness. However, when you look at the clothing in closer detail, we see two things of great importance. I want to know more than I currently know and I am finding that I am never satisfied with what I do know. This seems plausible, but even if I did chat with Jesus or Paul, would I still know absolutely EVERYTHING just. Or, if I may so put it, a sense in which we have been there. mind.” To quote Jonathan Edwards, “The number of ideas of the saints shall increase to eternity.” We will never stop learning in Heaven. know it all, but it’s a great, eternal positive that we can rejoice in! God's value of language, His history with it, and various biblical passages all indicate that there will be a language in heaven, though we do not know what that will be like. when it comes to learning all I desire to learn while alive on earth. Also, we read in the book of Revelation that the tree of life that existed originally in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9) will be in heaven. It is a non-communicable attribute known as omniscience. However, Adam and Eve were innocent, not righteous as we will be (1 Corinthians 5:21). Will there be books in heaven? Only when we get to heaven will we truly understand what heaven is like and what we … But when we remember they will be living the biggest dream of their lives, we can also rejoice for them. However, I’ve come to realize a very sobering, and even, somewhat depressing thought: I’ll never read even half of the books in my library should I die even at an old age. Your email address will not be published. However, some bit of information has recently come my way that has brought me great comfort, namely, that we will continue to learn in the next life! Evidently Paul had faith that he would learn more in heaven. In 2 Corinthians 12:1-5 the apostle reveals that he visited heaven on one occasion, but he never tells us what he saw. Psalm 147:5 says that God’s “understanding has no limit.” Likewise, Isaiah 40:28 says that God’s understanding is an “understanding no one can fathom.” Is it even logical, or biblical, to say that we could we mine all of the inexhaustible knowledge of God after even 15 trillion years in eternity with Him? We are talking about the physical, celestial heavens — what we think of as outer space. Yes. What Will We Wear in Heaven? God is bigger than forever, and it will take eternity “to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ” ( Ephesians 3:18-19 ). As we just learned, we are clothed in righteousness, which is described as fine bright white linen. The fact that we won’t know it all now, or in heaven, is not an excuse for us to not use our lives for God’s glory in deep study and reflection on at least some areas of life. In Heaven we’ll continually learn new things about God, going ever deeper in our understanding. We tend to think in material terms—mansions, jewels, etc. But will we explore the universe, because we are talking about the new heavens and new earth? My thirst for knowledge about many things is insatiable. Well, I hope so. How do we make sense of the silence and absence of God? Consider Ephesians 2:6-7: “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace.” The word show means “to reveal.” Also, our learning will not impair our ability to love. When we talk about “the old heavens,” we are not talking primarily about heaven, the dwelling place of God. My Theme: Be encouraged we will continue learning in Heaven because we will continue having new things to learn. Scriptures: 1 John 3:20, Ephesians 2:6-7, Ephesians 3:18-19, Isaiah 46:9-10, Mark 12:30, Rev 21:1, and Romans 8:18-22 Topics: Heaven & Hell. We will have perfect control over our passions, or our affective life. Consider the Greek words ginosko and epiginosko, translated “know” in 1 Corinthians 13:12 , used of our present knowledge on Earth and our future knowledge in Heaven: “For now we … This is why I currently have somewhere between 900-1200 volumes of books in my personal library. Even though the Bible tells us a little about heaven, we won’t know exactly what it will be like until we arrive. Perhaps most people would find heaven … We may not know specially what positions we will have in heaven from Scripture, but what we are assured of is that these jobs will be exciting and fulfilling. Is it even logical, or biblical, to say that we could we mine all of the inexhaustible knowledge of God after even 15 trillion years in eternity with Him? He created us this way. Nope. Omniscient means to know everything. If a tree triggers trauma for us today, a tree in heaven will trigger joy for us in heaven because we will have control over the passions of our body and have created new and perfect memories of God’s goodness. Since I don’t have to put so much pressure on myself to know everything now because many questions will go with me when I die, I am free, therefore, The fact that we won’t know it all now, or in heaven, is not an. My Open Wrestling with God, Money, and Ministry. We will never be bored by what awaits us, but rather we will be continually captivated by the wonder of His glory (2 Peter 3:13; Rev 21:1). Mark 12:30 says to “love the Lord your God with all your…. This means that many of the great theological and philosophical quandaries that we have now will carry over into the afterlife. Although many details are unanswered regarding heaven, the Bible indicates that believers will have a physical body of some kind in heaven. But if we want a perception derived from Scripture, our concept of heaven must dramatically change. to help me better bridge the answer to my questions. From these verses we learn three things about the new heaven and the new earth: First, the new heaven and the new earth are like a city (v.2) Second, God lives there with his people, and he … Think of this: if heaven is beyond time and space, if it is infinite, then there is a sense – though our language here nearly breaks down – in which we are there already. • We will serve God. Not so in heaven. Here is what the bible clearly states about dying and where one goes: Ecclesiastes 9:5 NKJB > 5 For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten. The good things will always be a source of joy; while the bad things that produced scars upon us, will have little … Some people believe that in Heaven people will automatically know everything. It seems that we will forever be learning and growing deeper in our knowledge of God. Ebenezer, lots of people wonder about that. Click To Tweet There’s nothing that says we won’t still be finite in some way in the next life, but it seems quite certain that we won’t know as the infinite God knows in eternity. It may be that he was not permitted to describe heaven just as Daniel was not permitted to reveal everything that he learned in his visions (Daniel 12:8-9). As a finite human being, we will explore the depth of our relationship in the infinite Jesus for eternity. Is it even logical, or biblical, to say that we could we mine all of the inexhaustible knowledge of God after even 15 trillion years in eternity with Him? The gospel song says, “One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase; so let us run the race, till we see Christ.” The fellowship of earth will dim compared to the glory of seeing Christ and fellowshipping with Him. We must learn to "die before you die. For me, personally, it excites me that we will be learning forever in heaven. Bob Barbe, Your email address will not be published. http://www.epm.org/resources/2010/Mar/6/heaven-chapter-32-what-will-we-know-and-learn/. Heaven, where we shall learn to love. If I have the onset of a disease, gently let me know. Learning detachment from the world, which can be possessed, is our training for learning detachment from the desire to possess Heaven, which cannot be possessed. Ephesians 2:6-7 (ESV) indicates that we will be learning “in the coming ages.”. What will we learn in heaven? The Bible never states that a human will be omniscient. Sloth is sin and living a shallow life, theologically, will result in a life that is lived at a shallow level. First Corinthians 15:42 … Christ predicts our future unity with him, “I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). Will we wear clothes in heaven? To think, our current world resides under a sin curse, and even under a curse it captivates us with beautiful scenery (Romans 8:18-22). (image courtesy of pixabay.com). It seems sensible that my unanswered questions will still be unanswered in heaven. As a Christian site, we do not need to add to the pain of the loss by allowing posts that deny the existence of the virus that killed their loved one. God clearly wants us to be learners. Several biblical examples offer evidence to support this position. Consider the Greek words ginosko and epiginosko, translated “know” in 1 Corinthians 13:12, used of our present knowledge on Earth and our future knowledge in Heaven: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. This alone gives us an entirely new way to explore the depths of God’s goodness and experience His love. We are located at 310 E State St in Lehi, UT Required fields are marked *, I can be content not knowing everything now because I won’t know everything after I die. We will never grow bored! In Heaven we’ll continually learn new things about God, going ever deeper in our understanding. You can reach Pastor Nathaniel at (801) 341-8789. Thus, we must learn detachment to enter Heaven. Does Scripture indicate that we will learn in Heaven? Jesus said to His disciples, “Learn from me” (Matthew 11:29). However, according to the Bible, “knowing everything” is a characteristic only attributed to God (Isaiah 46:9-10; 1 John 3:20). See I Corinthians 13:11-12. Contrary to many who claim that they have visited heaven and are eager to describe a white light and love all around, both Daniel and Paul do not describe everything that they saw. As we talk about this idea we must understand that in Heaven we do not become God. Therefore, we will appear as ourselves, but with heavenly righteousness as a coat. I’ve come to realize that I have many questions that will remain unanswered on the day I die due to my lack of time and ability to read everything I’d like to read. Even mor… This should not be taken as a negative that we don’t (& won’t ever!) Sounds an awful lot like what we hope for in a leader. The things we do in this life are only permanent (that is, carried with us into heaven) if they are built on the foundation, which is Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11–15). In other words, we will never stop learning about the extent of God’s goodness. So unless we first learn to follow, we can never learn to lead. We will never be motivated by anything other than our love for God. We are all theologians, but will we be bad theologians or good theologians? Since God created Adam and Eve naked, it can be assumed by Christians that we will be naked once again in Heaven. One basic biblical argument that I believe can be given to support this notion is the fact that God is eternal and infinite and man is finite, and it will always be this way in some measure. Willy-nilly, death detaches us from everything, even ourselves. We know how much we’ll miss them. by Peter Mullen, The Conservative Woman: AFTER death, judgement and Hell, at last we come to heaven. We've got to move on: we are going to learn in heaven. I have recently discovered a previously unknown fear of mine: I fear Not having enough knowledge because I feel like having a lack of knowledge leads to a wasted life in some way. Otherwise, I’ll assume I’m working too hard and shouldn’t be doing this stuff on the weekends. about this topic: http://www.epm.org/resources/2010/Mar/6/heaven-chapter-32-what-will-we-know-and-learn/). (see Randy Alcorn’s article here for more info. Heaven is the place where our intrinsic desire is finally satisfied. We imagine heaven to be full of naked, baby angels and disembodied people playing harps. I think that it’s also sensible to assume that maybe there are more resources in heaven (talk with Jesus & Paul, Augustine, etc.?) “The throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it … And they shall see His face…” (Revelation 2… I don't know if we'll get through all this tonight, but 1 Corinthians 13 and verse 12 says: 'For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known'. Reflections on the Theological Justification of the Eternality of Hell and the Hideousness of Sin, Every Worldview has Difficulties: More Offense is Needed in Christian Apologetics, “The Bible is Full of Fairy Tales and was Written by Men!”-Part 1”, Hope and Strength in the Midst of Sin and Failure, “Dinner is Served!”: An Argument for God’s Existence from the Existence of Edible, Delicious, and Nutritious Food on Planet Earth, A Dangerous Friendship: A Connection Between the Prosperity Gospel and the Church Growth Movement. The rewards we gain in heaven are not like the rewards we earn here on earth. Second, the heart of the Christ life is not leading—it’s following. We will STILL be learning about the Trinity in heaven. Just image all the things that the apostles , and others of God’s anointed ones, had to learn after they were resurrected to heaven. We will never stop learning in Heaven. Members have lost loved ones to this virus and are grieving. But you read it like this: When we are all in Heaven, will we recognize loved ones? Ever notice how driven we are here on earth for the recognition and praise of our peers? I find it harder to think about heaven than to think about death or hell. I can take the questions I have now WITH ME to Heaven! Ephesians 2:6-7 (NIV) And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 15:51–53 the apostle Paul wrote, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in … The Bible reveals that God will one day recreate a New Heaven and New Earth. Also, remember that Adam and Eve did not even know of their nakedness before they sinned (Genesis 3:7). For if heaven is an eternal state, then to be there is to be there eternally. I don’t know, but we will be learning, & this is exciting. We are no longer allowing posts or threads that deny the existence of Covid-19. But what will we see when we are present with the Lord? We have intuitions of this truth. • We will spend time with our family and friends. This is a tremendous comfort to me & it really helps to ease the anxiety I can sometimes feel to know more and more. I can rest content in my finiteness knowing that I’ll always carry my finiteness with me, even into eternity. Dec 20, 2020 by Jill. Yet one day we will see a New World and a New Heaven absent from the curse of sin. God is bigger than forever, and it will take eternity “to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18-19). A message proving the nature of eternal learning and discovery in Heaven In heaven, will we have physical bodies? The Bible has quite a bit to say about language, literally from the beginning to the end. The fruit of this tree granted Adam and Eve life (Genesis 3:22-24). We will enjoy communion with the Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity. We will not be omniscient. My time is short and my ability to read and understand is slow. There’s plenty of evidence for this in the New Testament. There is no chance after." Only God is omniscient. We are unable to fully serve God in this life due to sin, but in heaven "every curse will no longer be" (Revelation 22:3). Such a concept of heaven is great if we don’t mind borrowing ideas from a combination of non-Christian Greek philosophy and medieval, poetic literature. Matters of the trinity, predestination/man’s responsibility, the existence of Satan, God’s glory arising out of evil, the hiddenness of God, & a thousand other questions, will remain quandaries in heaven. We will not be under the curse of sin any longer, so everything we do will be worship in heaven. I am always wanting to learn more and to expand and improve my knowledge. Will we still be learning in heaven? The word show in this passage means “to reveal.” Clearly, there will be ongoing “showing” or “revealing” of learning more of the riches of God’s grace as the ages keep coming. IN FACT, you could say that once we’re in heaven and we actually meet the Trinity, face to face, that the issue will get even MORE complex at that moment! 09.12.14 When we are all in Heaven, will we remember loved ones who are not in Heaven with us? For any questions regarding Heaven or the Afterlife, Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven” is a valuable resource. So, in conclusion, it seems for as much as we can know on this side of eternity, that we will remember our life on earth when we are in heaven. I’d love to hear any questions or comments you have in the “Leave a Reply” section below. C onsider the fact that God will resurrect us physically at His second coming. So, this limit of knowledge that I now have is actually a gateway to a portion of joy for eternity, namely, the capacity to learn and assimilate knowledge forever. Those who could never carry a tune on earth will be able to sing in heaven and never grow weary of exalting the name of the King of Kings. We Will Receive Perfect Recognition Finally, Heaven is a place where each of us will be recognized and rewarded by God. What does this mean for my life now? The clarion call of Jesus to all who would listen was, “Follow me!” So only those who … I love learning and learning is exciting to me. What Will We Do in Heaven? Since it seems quite plausible that I will have limited knowledge for all eternity, what this means, then, is that I can chill out (a little bit!!) • We will learn about God. Not will we learn in heaven as we will not be published it can be assumed by Christians that can! 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