com Obviously no spaces, just didn’t want anything to not show up after I send this message through. The Bible warns us about being deceived by different forms or spiritism, sorcery, and the occult including psychics. I started punching him and then grabbed him and body slammed him to the ground and threw him outside the house. This world will confuse you and tell you that it’s ok to do the things everyone else is doing, like watching bad stuff on tv, cussing, smoking, abortion, weed (bc it’s legal), porn, sex with anyone but your spouse, lying, cheating, bullying, listening to secular music, gay marriage, etc, you get the hint, but that’s not God’s Will for us. I feel like it’s a battle between good and evil. Jesus doesn’t mess around. I do believe in God but I’ve never been baptized or saved. The King made this statement. My husband left me after 37 years. Dream About God Meaning. If you liked this article, then you will love the Dream Language Bundle! When God gives you a dream, more than likely the first emotion you will feel is fear. There are two vivid accounts of this at work in Acts chapter 9 and 10. As a pastor, probably the question I’m asked more than any other is, “Why is this happening to me? I had another dream recently that bugged me and has stuck with me every day since. Randall. If you ever need to talk to someone you can email me at gonebananas1983 @ gmail . Nothing true value or nothing personal. Amazing experience that was! I had a dream that i was with my grandmother during her time of sickness, but in the dream she reach out to me, [like she was trying to tell me something before she died]. When God gives you a dream… Let me explain a little further. Off-topic comments cause pages to lose their rankings in the search engines and we want people to be able to find out how to know if their dream is from God. If you would like to talk about your dream or if you would like to help others interpret their dreams then go here. You understand better what God’s doing, and you don’t get disheartened when times are tough. In the Greek there is no definite article preceding the word for “man” in this ver… Joel 2:28“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. He scratched and bit at me drawing blood I could see. I then new I hand to protect me and my 2 cats. In the Bible, dreams always revealed something. I look up and the clouds start to part, then the sky and I see a massive figure step down and people start screaming and running. Reading this article, I’m almost certain that this was indeed from God. My daughter had a dream and saw that we were in a foot ball stadium. And, through your dream, He wants to assure you of His presence. God-sized dreams give glory to Him, not us. If you follow these four simple steps, you will be able to determine if your dream is from God. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. I felt it was not good. Has God given your a big dream? God is a giver of dreams, and any dream He gives, He will watch over to fulfill as you are obedient to Him. It Comes with a Supernatural Sign. Once you make Jesus your one and only, the rest of your life will fall into place. The Bible tells us to walk in the Spirit. To learn more about how to interpret dreams God gives to speak to you, click here for the entire sermon. Dr. Hal Seed speaks at New Song Community Church, Oceanside… I think sometimes we want to believe that our initial dreams are the best it’s going to get. Devastating. Then, after conception, you go through a season of “pregnancy”—a time of growth and preparation for your dream to become reality. As much as believers are supposed to receive dreams and visions from God, those dreams and visions have to line up with God’s word the Bible. No matter what you ask for, if you asked in faith, you will receive it. If it is, prayerfully consider what God would have you do in response to your dream (James 1:5). I don’t believe in psychic, I don’t believe in the after life on earth. I had a dream that i was standing with the crowd.I heard a teaching and posters of chart were being taught.It was teaching about curse to blessing.While listening to the teaching suddenly a group of people wearing black mask with horn,all cloths in black riding on black horse.The were alots of them that can not be counted.they were running very fast doing something that i can not understand.I cant see any one else every one is gone.I ran very fast that i that i fall down on the ground.They did not see me but something they were doing and shouting “Go” I woke up suddenly! What Are Signs And Wonders In The Bible? God can use your circumstances to plant dreams in your heart, and He can use people (or circumstances) to propel you towards them. But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the latter days. This time I’ll heed His warnings. I’m a Christian born again believer and recently have been think about those who passed without being saved and wonderful about those who could die and are not saved …. How do we know this? A wonderful, amazing dream. Bible College and Multnomah Biblical Seminary. The feeling was soooo real. 5:22–23). God has a greater plan, and amazingly, He’s called us to be a part of it. God gave this promise: “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28 NKJV). Only you can fulfill the purpose God has planned for you. Congrats on your new birth! Had I took them seriously I would have been prepared for the trying times that came. Listen to God. I saw Jesus on the cross, I cried intensely and shed tons of tears. I wake up everyday expecting God to do it. 2. Verse Concepts. Once you feel His peace, then you can rest assured that His Spirit was the source. A dream from God will … Based on extensive biblical study and years of personal insights, James and Michal Ann Goll teach you to understand the language of dreams. When God planted the dream for this ministry in my heart, everything began to change. One is with a man named Ananias who God told to pray for Saul of Tarsus for healing, and the other was with Peter being told to go and preach to the gentiles. I wasn’t agitated; it was a sense of peace, calmness, and gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice for me! Thank you for your post and blog, I needed to read it for my dream was I wept due to not enough people Knew Jesus and it has not left me yet that feeling of sadness that was put on my heart to share and I know you all will keep sharing. This first one is perhaps the easiest. If you have a dream and feel that perhaps God gave it to you, prayerfully examine the Word of God and make sure your dream is in agreement with Scripture. “Yeah, something like that.” My husband’s love for chickens– and my love for you, dear reader– Keep our dreams alive. If this is in fact Jesus who really said this and did this to me, then I would want to believe it, because I know Jesus does not deceive. Faith is like a muscle — it develops. A wonderful, amazing dream. Even some churches will deceive you, such as new age churches (look that up and really research what that is, it’s evil but many are deceived by it). "When we bring our dreams and the visions and the things that God has put in our heart in His presence before Him to say, 'God, show me,' that is where revelation takes place," Ike says. He is real, nice, shows genuine love, and has a great personality. I had a dream that I woke-up after dieing in hell. This article is about learning how to tell if your dream is from God. The enemy will come at you harder than ever now that you’re a child of God. Joseph was a dreamer. Often God appears in the dreams of those who gave up on religion and God Himself. Let's unpack each of these. Matthew 2:13. I like to refer to others great sites. If you’re wondering if God speaks to us through dreams and visions, the answer is yes. There we find the reference to the number 666, which is plainly identified as “the number of a man” (Rev. Then, you have to make a decision about it. He did dream it. 6. I don’t know where I’m at but I’m out on the streets where there are markets. You may be thinking your dream is about a man who will be coming into your life, but that’s only half true. It would be impossible to say, definitively, whether or not God gives prophetic dreams to people today. I felt this wondrous absolutely riveting love that I cannot explain. But life didn't get any better for Joseph at least at the moment. If it is, God is more than ready to help you understand what your dream means. I woke up there after. *Philippians 2:13 The Bible says in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” That’s the key to the great adventure of following Jesus Christ. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. I had a dream from GOD. You have a dream, an urging to express yourself. If this is the first time that you have had a dream you think might be of God, then you will not be able to benefit as of yet from this way of knowing if your dream is from God because it is, however, to be seen if the dream comes to pass. Hold on to it for the dream is God's idea eager to be expressed through you. His dream for you is positive. 4. When God gives you a dream or a vision believe in it Run with all your strength and enthusiasm towards it. [And How To See Them], 4 Things A Christian Who Wants Led By The Spirit Needs To Know. In December of 2010, Whitney Runyon felt a stirring in her spirit that began an amazing journey for her and her husband … and for so many orphans and adoptive families. Message: "When God Gives You A Dream Genesis 37" from Paul Purvis But when you understand the six phases of faith, then you can say, “Oh, I’m in stage 4 right now” or stage 6 or stage 2. Perhaps you have even lost hope that it will ever happen. The third stage is delay, where you wait for God to work in his time. He has been in pastoral ministry since 1988.Pastor Duke specializes in healing hurting churches and bringing revival, renewal, and restoration of the presence of God to the body of Christ in America to make the church spiritual again.Pastor Duke has a few limited dates available to speak in other churches. It is God's choice through you the idea should be fulfilled. Read your Bible so you CAN’T be deceived by the enemy. He gives you a dream that matches your faith! Friday night 10/16 I had a dream that I was being chased. 5. But i am not understanding why I have this dream, it was almost like it was real. He was warning me. (Mark 11:24) I may never knew the true meaning and power dwell in this word, if I never been through the hardship to find a dream job under the help of Almighty God. What similarities does this dream have with others that you have been given by God? Do it anyway! Think big but…..when you think big, count the cost! Jesus takes salvation and the condition of our souls very seriously. You believe, and I’ll do it. What happened on the sixth day of creation? You will remember the story of Joseph and his dreams. Have you given all your dreams and desires to God? "That is where things begin to be revealed to us." Where can I go to get help with my dream? 2. Good luck! You can tell if it’s a God … I had it when I was a young man and now I am 65 and going to retire. Anything which contradicts Scripture is not from God. Some people won't get what you are doing. Has God given you a dream that seems impossible to achieve? If it did, then this dream definitely didn’t come from God. A dream that leaves you feeling hopeless, like you will never be good enough for God or like you've done something that forever marks you and holds you back from His purpose for you—that is not a dream from God. I was running from house to house. The Bible says in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be done to you” (NIV). It is more vivid than other dreams. In Deuteronomy 13 and 18, God gives keys to recognizing true and false revelation. Remove people or places that hold you back from giving yourself 100% to Christ. Then, you have to make a decision about it. Even though, I never got anything of my grandmother’s nor receive my inheritances until my Aunt passed away a few months ago. Immediately, I ran to him, and I hugged him. I would be delighted if you can respond with an interpretation of my dream. Letting Him know that I am humbled and that I finally understand that He is in control. Read this informative article! He looked right at me, smiled, and reached out towards me. So how does God build your faith? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. The next stage is difficulty, where God tests you. Do you want to see more fruit of the Spirit in your life? “You’re doing this because you love them, and you want to make their lives better, right?” He closed the gate to the new pen. So ask yourself the question. My Cousin gave me my grandmother’s purse. Daniel 2:3he said, “I have had a dream that deeply troubles me, and I must know what it means.”. Then, after conception, you go through a season of "pregnancy" - a time of growth and preparation for your dream to come reality. With the Apostle Paul, a dream revealed that He was to go to Macedonia instead of another direction. Everything you dream about must be the truth; don't allow yourself to get wrapped up in your present circumstances. Never give up ️ Your dreams would come to pass. Douay-Rheims Bible And for that thou didst see the second time a dream pertaining to the same thing: it is a token of the certainty, and that the word of God cometh to pass, and is fulfilled speedily. Know this: Whenever God gives a dream, it won't be easy to achieve in your own power. Daniel was careful to give praise to God, who alone gives the wisdom to interpret such dreams (Daniel 2:20–23). Then, you have to make a decision about it. Now there are times when we can sense that there is a meaning or revelation in the dream that we as of yet do not understand, but a dream from God always reveals something to us. I was at church with my mother and I’m sitting and listening to the preacher. The reason that God sends dreams is that He is trying to communicate with you and can’t get through to you by normal means. Are You Afraid? You would be willing to give everything for it. When you realize that God is all you have, you dare not turn your back on him when temptation comes. The question is whether or not any of these dreams are the type of dreams that are sent to us by God to communicate with us. Can you help me understand this. You see, the final proof, if a dream is from God, is the results. I had a dream i was worshiping Jesus, after that, a big wave came our way and then the rest just went completely blank then i woke up i don’t know if this was a message Im not sure. Then, you might reach a dead end, which will make you want to give up. When God gives you a dream, He always provides for you every necessary thing you require to make that dream a reality. But make no mistake, the process begins and ends with God. Nothing. Jesus is wanting you to make Him your husband, He wants to be your number ONE. I don’t understand it.” When you don’t understand God’s six phases of faith — the steps he uses to build your character — you will get discouraged. You may become resentful. That's because God gives impossible dreams that require His supernatural assistance. Learn how you can walk in the Spirit by following these 3 simple tips. I don’t really know if i believe. Your email address will not be published. I feel this dream can help me overcome my constant fear of, “ What if I die, hoping to be saved, but only to be thrown into hell because I went wrong somehow in this life?” . I have not seen him in seven months. 3. If you understand it, you can cooperate with it. Everyone is running around and the floor cracks open and this massive being(I assumed the devil) rises up. Is it a dream so hard to reach that you are considering giving up on it, even though God has called you to it? when she looked behind me and her mother stayed in that stadium standing as we rose our hands praying with no fear. A dream from God will never direct you to hate someone, become fearful, lose control or accuse another person. Back in the days of steam ships, only rich white people sailed at sea. God instructs through dreams, imprints upon the soul and through lasting impressions in a similar way that a seal is used to make an imprint in wax on a document. God is up to something big when he plants his dreams … Do you want to understand the Holy Spirit? Dreams from God are remembered. Maybe it’s a dream to do something unique, something special for God: A calling to sing, or to write, or starting a ministry. That’s the key to the great adventure of following Jesus Christ. Go out and preach the message of Jesus Christ. If you have a God-sized dream of doing something amazing, this book will encourage you to press on!. If you are dreaming about revival in your city, you need to spend more time seeking the heart of God rather than with your Whatsapp messages or Facebook statuses. If so, it might refer to a real-life future situation, unless it clearly refers to the … Required fields are marked *. In this fruit of the Spirit sermon, Pastor Duke explains how to harvest more fruit. It is from the enemy. You may become fearful about the future or depressed. God says, “You get to choose how much I bless your life. If you comment about your dream or try to interpret a dream on this page, your comment will be deleted. I’ve always been terrified of religion. You believe, and I’ll bless.” Join Pastor Rick for this series on how to believe in and be faithful to God’s dream for your life. The process involved in dream fulfillment can cause even the stoutest of souls to lose heart at times. Similarly, it isn’t a dream from God if it tells you not to pray, that another god is God, that you shouldn’t go to church or share your faith, that you shouldn’t serve or give. The next stage is difficulty, where God tests you. Is it a ‘realistic’ dream? The Accuracy Test When you're pregnant with a dream and God is preparing you for something, you change. All of us have dreams. That’s what led me here. Remove sin from your life. God partners with you so your relationship with Him grows stronger during the process. It happens to all of us because we are distracted or not even thinking along the lines that God wants us to think. I ended up at this one house and standing there is my husband telling me everything is going to be okay and how much love he has. There is something called deam killers! Sometimes, when God gives you something, you need to sit on it for while. Here recently, I have been having a dream about the lord coming back. The question is whether or not any of these dreams are the type of dreams that are sent to us by God to communicate with us. Whitney Runyon was a wedding photographer. And all the animals were trying to break into the house. I started yelling for Jesus! It seems impossible in the natural, which is why I know it's God. I had a dream that my pastor came over to my house, he looked at me and asked if I was ok, I said yes, instantly I felt a strange feeling then he approached me and rest his hand on me and started praying. Very very vivid and I remember it clearly, Not much of a “believer” in things. The third stage is delay, where you wait for God to work in his time. It will last forever. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ The dream is still so vivid in my mind today. First, any dream God put in your heart will be much bigger than you. The experience changed my life! Your email address will not be published. Don’t get me wrong i want to believe i really do but i don’t know how. First, God gives you a dream for your life. In fall of 2019, I had a dream where I was in a large city that I didn’t recognize, and the sidewalks were crowded with people who were celebrating something, smiling, laughing, and I could hear cheering coming from the right. God’s dream for you is personal. The first of a four week series on the life of Joesph, titled "From the Pit to the Palace". I had a dream of not him but me worshiping him. I have been having dream and it the same one over and over and id like to know how to interpret it I have been recently Baptized and the dreams i had before that are the same as now I dreamed about a man who i fell in love with and he is a christian I see him standing next to a church calling me to him it is very vivid and clear he wants me to be by his side and walk with him can you tell me what it means please, There is a specific link for dream interpreting, in fact, I’m surprised he didn’t delete your comment bc he states he will delete comments asking for dream interpretation. He wants to do more than you can imagine. In the case of Jacob’s dream of the stairway to heaven, it revealed an aspect of God that Jacob had never understood before. The best way I could describe it is that it’s just like hugging a lightning bolt that is made of the purest and most intense love anyone could have for you. Thanks! (Mathew 6:33) 5. And most of all, you can’t co-operate with what God is doing when you don’t understand the process he’s taking you through. Take a moment and sit quietly before the Lord so that you may hear His perspective. Could you email me? suddenly she saw fire coming from far and everyone were afraid and people were fleeing looking for rivers to hide themselves. Interestingly, I woke up crying and shedding real tears in the physical. In the book of Joel it says. Please help me understand the meaning. You can't let it go. I don’t want to die with unfinished business and would like to solve this dream. Mark 9:23 says, “Everything is possible for the person who has faith” (GNT). Candice. You know the end. Jesus wrapped his arms around me, and we held each other very close, and then the best part happened: Jesus spoke to me! Your sons and daughters will prophesy. It's a time when God has a part and you have a part in bringing your vision to pass. The third stage is delay, where you wait for God to work in his time. I thought it was my feelings, but I believe they are god’s love and he was telling me that he knows and he understands and he loves me. As a child I always had the same dream. God wants you to cooperate with Him to make it happen. I know this was a year ago, but you’re still a baby in Christ and I pray that you will go forth from here and share Him with others! I would say that most people do not hear from God through their dreams, … One day while sailing, something suddenly happened to the ship and it was about to sink. Glory to God. But let me tell you, dreaming with God is infinitely better than trying to live a dream without Him at the forefront of it. Also could mean one thing now, but more revelation could unfold that would be impossible to achieve has about. This wondrous absolutely riveting love that I have searching for a long time and I ’ m and. 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