After removing the implant, close the incision with a steri-strip and apply an adhesive bandage. Warning Signs: Within First Week Congratulations! Or call it spotting. After reading about condom efficiency and it being only 85% effective, I don't want to risk the other 15%. But I found myself become really ridiculous recently. I'm also having my implant taken out tomorrow at 5pm and I'm scared! :-/ As before I'm a very calm person. But the big mood change tends to happen at night time   Anyway. Yes: within a few days the hormone will be out of your system. I get angry with things very easily. I went upto 10.5 stone when I've always been 9. If the woman would like to continue using NEXPLANON, a new implant may be inserted immediately after the old implant is removed using the same incision [see Replacing of NEXPLANON]. 0. I have already lost 8lbs! I have been feeling moody, my acne has worsened significantly, and I’ve been crying more than usual. Irregular Periods If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression 1. I bled the ENTIRE TIME i had the implant, and there was no way I was going to live like that for the next three years. I was wondering whether anybody experienced some weight loss after having the implant removed and how long it takes for periods to return to normal? I have been experiencing dizziness and tingling since the removal. At about 4 weeks of removing the rod I started having strong pregnancy symptoms like nausea back aches etc. Didn’t get on anything because i wanted my body to “regulate”. Weight loss after nexplanon removal? Etonogestrel is slowly released into the bloodstream from the rod for about three years, after which time it either needs to be removed or a new one inserted. 32 years experience Family Medicine. Nexplanon insertion is a quick and painless procedure. Life after Nexplanon Removal. I WOULD NOT STOP BLEEDING. please, please, please, please, please, please can somebody let me know that they have had positive side effects after theirs have been removed (even implanon users) because i need some light at the end of the tunnel and would love to know that all the hard work i will be putting in over the next few months will actually lose me some weight and that i won't be so moody/miserable/grumpy/achy and a downright B****. What Side Effects Can You Expect After The Removal Of Nexplanon The manufacturer of Nexplanon, the earlier version of which was called Implanon, reports that the following side effects are possible upon removal of the device: Temporary pain, bruising, swelling, or irritation at the site where it was located. Thank you. It's like slight bleed for four or five days and the. And I feel so much more energetic & thankfully my sex drive has returned to normal from non existent! :oops: Side effects of having implanon REMOVED.. Endometriosis..referal to gynaecologist, what can i expect? I was lucky in that I didn’t seem to get any of the nasty side effects of the implant. I’ve noticed however that when I have sex it start to spot for a week or two and get some cramping. Constantly. Hi everyone I'm new here. I know how much better I feel so hopefully you feel as good! X, hiya fellow lady from chelmsford, I have literally have just had my nexplanon removed ,it wasnt as painful as I expected, took a little while because it was encapsulated and she had to fiddle for a bit but now its gone, Im hoping to start feeling better: recover my sex drive, and stop being so exhausted. Messages 24 Best answers 0. Symptoms After Nexplanon Removal Also, I was very irritable, got depressed and began to have horrible acne. The timing of insertion is important. having it in was the worst thing ive ever done.. having read stories about side effects, its explained alot for me. I had it removed 2/7 and it’s now 2/25. • Keep the bandage on for 3-5 days. A woman should restart contraception immediately after removal of NEXPLANON if continued contraceptive protection is desired. I could have sworn I was pregnant. 1. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. X. I had my implant removed in January, at just over 3 years (after moving house and changing doctors/getting appropriate appointment). As more and more patients return for repeat fittings of Implanon®/Nexplanon®, there is this worry that we are inserting the implants further and further up towards the patients' axillae if we cut down on the distal end of the implants without adjusting their position first. It sometimes takes a while for the body to start cycling normally after Implanon removal. Visible Water Retention 9. Requires removal after the 3–5 years: Advantages and disadvantages; STI protection: No: Weight: May cause weight gain: Period disadvantages: May cause irregular or prolonged bleeding : Period advantages: Minimizes pain. How long does your bodyvtake to get back to normal?? The side effects that you are to expect from insertion is some pain, irritation, swelling, bruising, and scarring. For five days. I've been mental & can't believe my Boyf put up with me sometimes also put on weight with no change to my lifestyle! After the pain medication has worn off, your arm may ache a little where the implant was inserted, but it goes away quickly. Circling back to this. We present a case of ulnar nerve injury in a 21-year-old woman from attempted in-office removal of a deeply implanted Nexplanon® device. So think takes a couple of months to regulate possibly? Step 10. Getting Nexplanon Removed Early . I am now 19 and just had it removed on November 9th (2018). After having 4 months period none stop. after the insertion, removal or replacement of a Nexplanon® implant (the “rod”). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the birthcontrol community. So relieved as I've been feeling rotten for the past few days so its nice to know things are getting back to 'normal'.. I didn't relate it to implano initially. Went to the ER because I was scared to death. However, after 5/6 months I noticed no difference in my weight - I hadn't even lost a pound. Getting Nexplanon Removed Early . Stop for three four days then bleed for four five days again. years. I yelled at my bf constantly. Stop for three four days then bleed for four five days again. Bleeding Not Related To Menstrual Period 2. What to expect during and after nexplanon removal?? Kinda miserable but worth it to get rid of the crazy hormonal mood swings and to get my body back to its normal cycle. After that. Warning Signs: Within First Week I decided to take it out the day after tomorrow. Doctor says it’s normal and should go away after my body regulated itself. • You may return to school or work after your visit. Started Nexplanon July 2016 after I discovered I had a fibroid. I had a 2 day bleed on 27/12 to 29/12 and a day of brown spotting on 30/12. I had my Nexplanon removed last Friday (13/6/14) and today (20/6) have had a positive ovulation test result! Hi, I'm having nexplanon removed tmrw after nearly 2yrs! I have had the Nexplanon implant for a little over 1 year and while I've been generally happy with it (no periods is a winner) it has made some of my PCOS symptoms significantly worse and that has begun to outweigh the pros. I wouldn't be happy about them taking those since I understand that they are too aggressive, have bad secondary effects and change women's moods. Convinced I have GALLSTONES, ultrasound scan tomorrow, what to expect? NEXPLANON POST INSERTION INSTRUCTIONS! I’m curious about others side effects from the removal of the implant after such a long time. Bleeding stopped immediately. Prior to nexplanon for 6 years (2of them) I was on the pill for 4 years. Change In Appetite 3. For a while I didn’t realize it but I’ve had a hard time losing weight while on Nexplanon. danielleg90 Mon 20-Aug-18 23:11:28. 0 comment . So I recently had nexplanon removed after a year with it in. I have a doctor's appointment in two weeks. Step 9. Removing nexplanon, what to expect after? After removing the implant, close the incision with a steri-strip and apply an adhesive bandage. Of course we can … first period after nexplanon removal? Weight Gain 10. I had my nexplanon taken out in Aug after having it in for 18 months because I decided to have my tubes tied instead of using birth control. Nexplanon should be removed if a person becomes pregnant and is interested in maintaining the pregnancy, but it is imperative to rule out pregnancy before inserting the implant. Weight loss after Nexplanon removal. How after the removal of implanon can i expect a period. But two months back. Weight Loss For me, Nexplanon induced a really bad depression period in my life (no suicidal thoughts, but just couldn't get enjoyment out of anything). I’ve had the Nexplanon implant for 3 years now and I’m getting it removed this week. But the mood in day time seems more stable. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. But now I doubt implano has made me have this big mood swing. But I have decided to get it taken out. I am not lazy & sluggish anymore thankfully! Since then Ive been quite emotional. But I have decided to get it taken out. !! Contact your GP, NHS 111 or local GUM for immediate advice and contraceptive services. Periods come again and last about one week. But the mood in day time seems more stable. My diet hasn't changed I'm still eating the same foods same amounts maybe wine doesn't help but I've never been one to put weight on always been a steady 9 or 9.7 stone so got bit depressed that my rock hard belly made everything I used to be able to wear feel so uncomfortable that I barely got dressed to leave the house just made excuses and stayed in pj's more comfy that way. Avoiding Complications after Nexplanon Removal 1 Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. I didn’t need it or want it. I didn't relate it to implano initially. Any side effects that you may have had while on the implant will eventually go away after the implant is out. And I feel so much more energetic & thankfully my sex drive has returned to normal from non existent! So my partner decided to have a vasectomy and as soon as we got the results I was on the phone to the gp.. they had a cancellation so could see me that week.. (pheww).. now I have had it out my mood swings are worse. Had some accident. While I was on the implant I bled for 2months an 2months off.. ), and a shockingly poor sex drive (which used to be sky high!). Hope I do get the happier me back again and everything return to normal. After that, you shouldn’t be able to feel the implant being inserted. However in the last six months I’ve felt like it doesn’t belong in my arm anymore. If inserted as recommended, back-up contraception is not necessary. Send thanks to the doctor. Whether it's the implanos fallibly or not. Nexplanon Side Effects After Removal I am not lazy & sluggish anymore thankfully! However, after 5/6 months I noticed no difference in my weight - I hadn't even lost a pound. Injury to the peripheral nerves and blood vessels have been reported as rare complications of implantation and extraction. Since getting it removed I've been nauseas, headachy, irritable, had horrendous PMS, been off my food (very unusual for me), really tired, had very sore boobs and almost constant ovulation pain for the past four days so the positive test has made me feel a little better!! Hi, I'm having nexplanon removed tmrw after nearly 2yrs! I never get this moody before. Your healthcare provider can remove the implant at any time within the 3-year period. Unless you start another hormonal birth control method after removing the implant, your period will go back to how it was before you got Nexplanon. I had it in for 2years and 10 months. But I found myself become really ridiculous recently. Now I think back. I had my implant removed in January, at just over 3 years (after moving house and changing doctors/getting appropriate appointment). But now I doubt implano has made me have this big mood swing. [See Removal of NEXPLANON.] I put on 20lbs, was moody, would cry for no reason, had depression (i didnt even know this was a side effect, they never told me any of this) .. and now im reading that it can take months/years to conceive again. So I seem skinny. I started exercising everyday, went on a juice diet for a week and did not allow carbohydrates into my diet. Don't know this time it will constantly happen or not. I should know I have a 3yr old. Your health care provider will locate a space on your arm between the muscles to insert the device. But, it is the best idea to wait until you have had one normal period to start trying to conceive a baby. I'm going to the dr to speak about having the implant removed (it runs out end of month) always thought id have another one fitted but thinking about going back on pill. I'm new to the forum so bare with me. Implanon cannot dissolve and won’t travel anywhere until it is removed. Hi, I'm having nexplanon removed tmrw after nearly 2yrs! - Answered by a verified OB GYN Doctor. On top of that my appetite is increased and I always have severe mood swings. What To Expect After Nexplanon Removal. I was given the pill but never really worked. Feeling hopeless. I got on Nexplanon 8 weeks after having my daughter. After ten days or so. This means if you had PMS, PMDD, acne, mood swings, or a light/heavy period before the implant, you'll have them after it's removed. Again it can happen a month after or 12 months after removal, there is no way to predict when ovulation will start happening again after the Nexplanon has been taken out. Though I do feel less happy all the time. Since being on Nexplanon for almost a year now my period had completely stopped. I was really wondering how my body is going to react after I get it taken out. However, as soon as it hit a year, I noticed that the weight was slowly creeping on, which I was severely disappointed about. For five days. I know how much better I feel so hopefully you feel as good! The pain should be minimal following removal of your implant, but … If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression 1. Or call it spotting. Consider visiting a doctor about this. • You may return to school or work after your visit. two weeks. I've had 2 periods since its removal (it works out as a 7 week cycle) :shock: I used to be 28 days!! You now have one of the most effective forms of contraception and it will last for many! It's made me feel so unwell and crazy. While a change in birth control can cause these symptoms, these aren’t symptoms to ignore or completely attribute to the nexplanon removal. A few weeks after removing it I started worrying about not having my period yet. hiya, I knew that I hadn't been doing as much exercise so i put that down as the problem. • Keep the bandage on for 3-5 days. what is the correct diagnosis code(s) to use? I got implano earlier this year. Then they make a small cut and remove the implant. The implant is placed just under the skin on the inner side of your non-dominant upper arm. I'm new to the forum so bare with me :) Hello ladies  .. well I had my implant removed on the 4th of dec 2014.. on that date i weighed my self I was 11st 12 it is now 8th and I have lost 11pounds.. with no change in my life style and 2take aways!! But two months back. Hi there. I simply cannot shift the weight no matter what I do… and believe me, I am working my butt off (sadly not literally). I was really wondering how my body is going to react after I get it taken out. I also don't want to ask my partners to take birth control pills or other female contraceptives. I’m also extremely lethargic and then get random bouts of energy to accomplish things. It only takes a few minutes to remove, and a local anaesthetic will be used. Messages 3,955 Best answers 1. After i got it out, I had THE HEAVIEST CLOTTED PERIOD OF MY LIFE. I have morning ,afternoon ,evening ,night sickness, so after lots of research.. Need  some advise I had my implant in for a year n one month I got it out on the 3rd April 2013. Plus the lovely nausea or being sick one a week that was also fun times. I was absolutely miserable on it. The reason I got it removed was because I was gaining weight rapidly and couldn't lose it no matter how hard I tried. You will be able to remove the top bandage 24 hours after your procedure. The second bandage may need to stay on for 3 to 5 days. You can go back to normal daily activities immediately after the Nexplanon has been removed. After the Nexplanon implant is removed, it is required that one watches for some signs of warning. It's calmed down, I did bleed quite a bit but since June it's been ok. I went to see doctor. And next morning had to go to work with not enough sleep. X. hiya fellow lady from chelmsford, I have literally have just had my nexplanon removed ,it wasnt as painful as I expected, took a little while because it was encapsulated and she had to fiddle for a bit but now its gone, Im hoping to start feeling better: recover my sex drive, and stop being so exhausted. After that. Husbands EXTREME snoring,I just can't take anymore. Before the implant insertion I weighed 9st10, but by two and a half years into the implant i am now at a solid 11st12. Hi all I'm new here. What to Expect at Your Nexplanon Insertion and Aftercare A 30 minute office appointment is scheduled for the insertion. As the numbness wears off, one may experience soreness for a day or two. Thread starter gonzalesl2010; Start date Aug 29, 2017; G. gonzalesl2010 Contributor. I get angry with things very easily. In 33% no periods. Well I went to the ER because I had really bad cramps. So I'm unsure now! 0. For one moment I'm super angry   Next moment I get super sad and cried heavily at night. Constantly. Symptoms After Nexplanon Removal: What Can You Expect? … Anyone else ttc after nexplanon. Your fertility will return immediately and you'll go back to how you were before Nexplanon within a few months or less. It's like slight bleed for four or five days and the. Are you going to another form of birth control or are you trying to get pregnant? What Happens After Nexplanon Removal. You may or may not ovulate right away. I can hardly remember I get super angry and lost my temper before. The medical tape will fall off on its own within 10 days. A deep insertion may cause problems with locating and removing the implant. For one moment I'm super angry Next moment I get super sad and cried heavily at night. Aug 29, 2017 #2 … There also may be some swelling, bruising, or discoloration for up to ! Early April. N since I got the thing out of my arm ive been on my period for a month the last week has been a nightmare it's getting alot more heavier. I used to be every 3 weeks on the dot and I'm really hoping that pattern returns so I'm no longer caught off guard by AF! So advised to come out. I have been using Implanon for 2 1/2 years but finally decided to have it removed 2 days ago due to erratic bleeding, horrendous weight gain (3 stone without any dietary/lifestyle changes! Before I was thinking it might be the problem between he and I. Here's what to expect during a typical insertion procedure: You will lie flat and rest your non-dominant arm facing upward. And not going well with bf. I went upto 10.5 stone when I've always been 9. I knew that I hadn't been doing as much exercise so i put that down as the problem. You can use this method until you reach the menopause, when a woman's monthly periods stop naturally. Hello everyone! My diet hasn't changed I'm still eating the same foods same amounts maybe wine doesn't help but I've never been one to put weight on always been a steady 9 or 9.7 stone so got bit depressed that my rock hard belly made everything I used to be able to wear feel so uncomfortable that I barely got dressed to leave the house just made excuses and stayed in pj's more comfy that way. Would love to hear from you and how you are doing so we can share our journeys. I am about 3 weeks post nexplanon removal. • You may have some swelling, bruising, or discoloration for up to two weeks. You won’t need any stitches after your implant has been fitted. Hey guys, I got nexplanon inserted when I was 16 in December of 2016. Instructed me to have some medicine. After ten days or so. The implant can be removed at any time by a specially trained doctor or nurse. Periods come again and last about one week. Crying on small things. Nexplanon Removal/Insertion. I'm just hoping the weight will ****** off as well as the headaches and over all feeling like poo. Needless to say, the bleeding stopped and I didn't have another period during the rest of the time it was in my arm. And not going well with bf. Since having implanon removed; I've lost 1.2st (after putting weight on), my sex drive has dramatically improved and I feel generally more happy in myself! Benefits: Long-term contraception. A place to discuss birth control methods. just got mine removed after 6 years as well, i have similar side effects but my biggest issue was that my libido came back and weirdly enough i’m super uncomfortable because of it. I got my Nexplanon Removed about 3 weeks ago after 2 months of having it. so, instead of waiting till the dreaded 3-year mark for the implant removal i have booked to have it taken out in the next 2 days. During this period, over-the-counter pain relievers can be … When it was first put in, I bled for 4 months solid (clots and all) my GP told me to take the pill alongside for a month or so. Please read the information below about what to expect and about warning signs that need prompt! 0 thank. Took 3 weeks for my period to return and it was very painful but apparently that's normal for the first one after removal to be heavier. Wish me luck for tmrw! Weight Loss After Nexplanon Removal. For a while I didn’t realize it but I’ve had a hard time losing weight while on Nexplanon. I yelled at my bf constantly. much. Your healthcare provider will place and remove the NEXPLANON implant in a minor surgical procedure in his or her office. just wondering how you're feeling now you have had it removed? Nexplanon Removed What To Expect. Took 3 weeks for my period to return and it was very painful but apparently that's normal for the first one after removal to be heavier. –If a pressure bandage has been applied, please leave it on for 12 24 hours. Asked 4 May 2020 by Angie0816 Updated 1 June 2020 Topics birth control, contraception, period, nexplanon, implant, spotting Need some advise I had my implant in for a year n one month I got it out on the 3rd April 2013. I started exercising everyday, went on a juice diet for a week and did not allow carbohydrates into my diet. You can keep track of your period after removal using our app. Nexplanon Removal Side Effects . You may get an infection. After 24 hours, you can remove thedressing. It also gives you information about any follow up and when to seek medical advice. Inflammation Or Infection Of Vagina 6. Since then Ive been quite emotional. Needless to say, the bleeding stopped and I didn't have another period during the rest of the time it was in my arm. I've been mental & can't believe my Boyf put up with me sometimes also put on weight with no change to my lifestyle ! Please note, as this is a peer-to-peer support board, Netmums has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting. I stared working out beginning g of this year but saw no difference so I'm sure it's nexplanon that's been the problem! I never get this moody before. I found that for a couple days after removing it I was an emotional mess (probably my body adjusting to its new hormone levels) but once I got my period, I felt totally fine. I went upto 10.5 stone when I've always been 9. In October I started experiencing panic attacks at night when I while go to bed. Good luck! Has anyone fell pregnant quickly after implant removal. Possible: If you are sexually active you could get pregnant. I have also found that over the past year i have endured constant back ache, tiredness and a lack of drive (even sex) and endurance. better. Your healthcare provider can insert a new implant under your skin after removing the old one if you choose to continue using NEXPLANON for birth control. A Nexplanon inserted when I have learned to control the panic attacks night. Hormonal mood swings x, hi I had it removed on November 9th ( )... Ovulation test result you are sexually active you could get pregnant I didn ’ belong. Day after tomorrow rare side effects, its explained alot for me I while go to work with enough. Sulphate which makes it clearly visible on x-ray inserted as recommended, back-up what to expect after removing nexplanon is not necessary,! Have this big mood change tends to happen at night when I 've always been 9 just ca n't anymore... 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