This weekend, to celebrate the birth of their new republic, they could hold a massive liberation party on all southeast Atlantic beaches. Flattening COVID-19 numbers bring hope in California. Red America’s demographics would increasingly skew white and less educated. Some matters would need to be negotiated such as overseas military bases and the national debt. There would be mass protests by people who ended up in the “wrong” country, particularly in swing states. Why so many military veterans and former and current police officers support — and take part in — far-right groups and protests, including the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. ... we need to examine whether the country is divided or ... split. And all houses of worship in the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would be required to reopen if they hadn’t already, with no restrictions on hugging and kissing. United Technologies said Hayes will oversee the split and stay in his roles as chairman and CEO of United Technologies. In Texas, suspended executions would not only be resumed, but death row inmates would be given lethal COVID-19 injections. The other could […] He received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Dec. 19. Blue America’s economy would grow to dwarf Red America’s in a milder version of the Civil War-era economic divide between the industrializing American North and the slave-dependent South. One minute you’re watching scientists warn that we’ll pay with our lives if we return to normal before testing and tracing are in place. Anyone possessing, wearing or selling a mask — or wondering if the ocean water has gotten warmer — would be shot on sight by a citizen militia. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. We hate each other and I have proof. It would not end well at all. Both countries would begin to enact policies they had long wished for (see extended list below). In the beginning, little would appear to change. Great Britain – Earlier divided into three or more kingdoms, including England , Wales , and Scotland , and sometimes ruled in … After almost every presidential election, maps pop up showing how the country is divided into places like the United States of Canada and Jesusland (see … However, neither should the Federal Government be deciding what is morally and or politically “acceptable” for each State (County and City, District, Home or individual citizen). Los Angeles County surpassed 1 million coronavirus cases since recording its first infection nearly a year before. More contagious coronavirus strain detected in L.A. County as total cases top 1 million. L.A. County isn’t administering vaccines to people 65 and older just yet. Red vs. blue. The political and cultural divide has become so intense that we must seriously consider whether both sides might not be better off if the US were divided into separate countries. I’ve used Bureau of Economic Analysis and Census Bureau data to calculate economic and demographic statistics. There are some on both sides of the debate who want Belgium to split into two separate countries, and in 2013 the country went 589 days without a … California, of course, has plenty of red, Trump-loving regions, the largest of which is the Central Valley. Below I divvied up the country by latitude. Blue America would create a universal public healthcare system, raise taxes on the wealthy, and open the country to immigration. One could be comprised of 22 of America’s economically and politically progressive coastal, midwestern and mountain states and Hawaii. If you wanted to, you could split the United States up by latitude or longitude. If we broke up into different countries, then perhaps folks could finally find the answers they have been looking for. Biden plans early legislation to offer legal status to 11 million immigrants without it. The L.A. Unified School District budget is full of holes. The Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago would for sure include the states now racing to reopen for business despite the risks that have been clearly laid out by one medical authority after another. 2) The solution: partition the United States into two countries. Then I switched to Fox for 30 minutes of Sean Hannity’s militant defense of Trump, along with a volley of cannon shots at what he calls MSDNC. His work has won numerous national awards for newspaper and magazine writing. In his first hours as president, Joe Biden plans to take executive action to roll back some decisions of his predecessor and to address the pandemic. According to Pew, 91% of Americans today say that conflicts between Democrats and Republicans are either strong or very strong, a higher number than in 2016 (85%) and 2012 (81%). Column: Desert off-road festival to go ahead despite violating state guidelines. The next minute you’re watching President Trump canonize people for demanding the return of their God-given right to eat at a Waffle House and infect everyone around them. I don’t mean to suggest, by the way, that California doesn’t have its own leadership challenges. Roughly 30 years ago, the USSR came to grips with its irreconcilable regional differences and broke apart, splitting into 15 independent republics. No. Which of the two countries would inherit the old US federal institutions would depend on which party controlled Congress and the White House at the time. And let’s not forget Newsom’s secretive and suspicious deal to buy $1 billion worth of masks from a Chinese company with a sketchy track record. We are so helplessly, irrevocably divided, it’s time to quit talking about coming together as one and do the only sensible thing. TV without booze is a test of will and I may not have what it takes. As Blue America became more open to foreign trade and immigration, Red America would eventually close its borders to Blue America, further sealing itself off from the rest of the world in a milder version of the Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain. If this sounds delusional, maybe it is. You wanna read some of the email I get? This is who we are. Blue America’s economy, which began with an advantage in high-value industries and high-skilled workers, would further benefit from high levels of investment in public goods, such as health care, education, and infrastructure. Why Korea was split at the 38th parallel after World War II. Thieves make off with a California National Guard Humvee, and the FBI sends out the alert. Jesusland vs. the U.S. of Canada. But here’s how to sign up to find out when you get can one. . California native Steve Lopez has been a journalist for 45 years. When the country splits, everything from Modesto to Bakersfield might want to become a territory of Mar-a-Lago. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. Since the establishment of the United States in 1776, numerous state partition proposals have been put forward that would partition an existing state (or states) in order that a particular region within might either join another state, or create a new state. Some have said they’ll be cautious, but why hold back? Trump retreats from his job, and Pence fills the void as ‘acting’ president. Soyland vs. the FSA. The concept of a state is the act of coherency whilst allowing for a difference of views with in each. Partition, Palestine-style. A nation irrevocably divided, perhaps more than ever. NEW YORK ( TheStreet) -- Let's face it: America is a 50/50 country politically, with halfvoting Republican and half Democrat. It’s time to split the U.S. into two countries It’s over.. Our country is irreparably divided, in my opinion. Now what? We’ve got a housing crisis we’ve temporarily forgotten about, epic numbers of homeless people and great wealth alongside even greater poverty. The United States and its alliance system proved to be stronger and more resilient than the Warsaw Pact, however, and the Soviet Union eventually collapsed in at the end of 1991. How to sign up to find out when it’s your turn to get the vaccine in L.A. County. Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism — A Detailed Critique — Chapter 10(10), Lawmakers Officially Forget the Financial Crisis, Our cultural differences will outlast the U.S.-China trade war ceasefire, GDP: $10.7 trillion (2nd largest economy after China), GDP: $10.6 trillion (3nd largest economy after China and Blue America), Blue America: universal public healthcare, Red America: private commercial health insurance, repeal of Obamacare, keep Medicare, cut Medicaid to zero, Blue America: free public universities, federal scholarships for private universities, Red America: status quo with combination of private universities and subsidized public universities, Blue America: full amnesty and path to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants, large increase in visas, green cards, and new citizenships, Red America: deportation of all undocumented immigrants, border wall with Mexico, country-based immigration restrictions, Blue America: full background checks, national registry, ban on assault weapons, Red America: no permit or background check required for firearms purchase, Blue America: abortions are legal and covered by public health insurance, Red America: abortions are illegal with no exceptions, Blue America: large public investment in renewable energy, stricter environmental protection policies, end of subsidies to fossil fuel industries, ban on fracking, Red America: weakening of environmental protection policies, few restrictions on oil & gas extraction including fracking, Blue America: status quo with Federal Reserve as central bank and dollar as national currency, Red America: central bank abolished, new currency issued tied to gold standard, Blue America: expanded trade agreements with emphasis on labor and environmental protections including trade deal with EU, NAFTA, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Red America: expansion of tariffs on imports from China, EU, Canada, Mexico, Blue America: higher personal income tax rates for high earners, wealth tax, capital gains taxed as ordinary income, higher corporate tax rate, campaign against offshore tax havens, Red America: flat personal income tax, zero corporate tax rate. ‘Light at the end of tunnel’ or a small blip? On social media, amateur digital sleuths try to help track violent Capitol rioters. The map shows the “former” U.S.A. divided into four separate countries. A new set of parallel federal institutions would be formed, based in a newly established national capital. When the new state of California was created in 1850, it threatened to break the nation’s fragile political balance and plunge the United States into civil war. I’ve drawn implicitly on some relevant historical experiences including Brexit and the formation of the EU; the partitions of India, Pakistan, Korea, Germany, and China; the dissolution of the Soviet Union; the independence movements of Scotland, Catalonia, and the Basque Country; and of course the secession of the American South. How to split the USA into two countries: Red and Blue. Nearly half of the 245 infections involve students living on campus. Biden agenda of executive actions on Day 1 to address immigration, climate and pandemic. On Monday night, I was watching TV coverage of the pandemic, first on MSNBC then on Fox News, and a thought occurred. The Case to Split the United States Into Four Countries for Trump, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders. O.C. Democrats and Republicans need to ask themselves: what’s the point of still holding on? ‘Light at the end of tunnel’ or a small blip? The United States has been a united country ever since 1865. Over a few years … We could have the Republic of America First, the Commonwealth of God and Guns, the Federated Sanctuary of Huddled Masses (with California as its capital). Long Island has been part of the State of New York since 1781, and it is the largest island in the Contiguous United States (48 states). congressman received vaccine dose, but tests positive for virus. Man arrested after explosive devices found at his Napa business, officials say. Using the results of the 2016 presidential election, I’ve divided the US into two hypothetical new countries: Blue America and Red America. Trump’s new country includes almost all of the old Confederacy but also a lot of extra states, all the way up to Wyoming. That said, if something like this were to ever happen there would be a descension into a civil war so quickly. Both countries would remain strongly interconnected through policies designed to maintain the status quo, such as free trade agreements and open border policies. The act of "splitting" the states into multiple countries is to ignore the very concept of its invention and existence in the first place. A broad cross section of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, arrests show. The United States was founded on two things: Judeo-Christian values and a limited federal government. Facing stagnation and decline, Red America would increasingly resort to military excursions and efforts to destabilize other countries. College-educated Americans, minorities, and immigrants would overwhelmingly shift toward Blue America due to its progressive policies and greater economic opportunities. The first two weeks of 2021 saw 59 shooting victims in L.A. compared with seven last year, Chief Michel Moore says. But all things considered, we tend to trust science, and, while we’re eager to rediscover our groove, we’re cautious about moving too quickly. The US Climate Alliance now includes governors from 24 states. New England’s states would be obvious to form a new country together. "Yankeedom has, since the outset, put great emphasis on … I watched 30 minutes of MSNBC’s merciless attacks on Trump and Fox News. The Pacific States, Interior States, Atlantic States, and Confederate States compete for land between Canada and Mexico. Red America’s efforts to lure corporations with lower taxes and greater subsidies would not be able to offset the greater appeal of Blue America’s stronger economy, larger market, better infrastructure, and more highly-skilled workforce. After Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change in June 2017, the US Climate Alliance was formed by the governors of Washington, New York, and California to continue progress toward climate-related policy goals. The birthplace of the nation, in the Atlantic Northeast now called the Atlantic States, is the smallest of the countries depicted on the map. Yes, there have always been differences among us but in the ages of QAnon, the Deep State, and other such conspiracy theories, the rift seems insurmountable. After all, Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. I try to have a couple of those a week. We could do it the USSR way and divide into 15 self-governed countries. But we’re five weeks into this and it seems like an eternity. Local, state and federal authorities will assist in putting on the King of the Hammers event later this month, despite pandemic restrictions on travel and crowds. Oh, how I long for the days when I could roam free and focus on more positive news than coronavirus, like the arrest of the L.A. City Councilman jammed up in a federal corruption probe or the rat infestation at City Hall. The entire platform of modern Democrats stands completely opposite both of those. Blue America and its allies would form a new NATO to contain Red America as it came to present a threat to global security. A quick Google search will summon proposals for slicing the United States into two, five, seven, a different seven, eight, nine, 11, 12, or 13 smaller nations. I’ve seen people suggest that any of us who are complaining about our enforced staycations are nothing but wimps. One argument against this would be that most people don't care enough to split up into different countries, but if that's the case then they shouldn't care if the country gets split. It's obvious in different parts of the country we have different values so why not When states split in the 20th century, the Australia-based scholars Peter Radan and Aleksandar Pavkovic have pointed out, there were always deep underlying fault lines of … A quirk of a 19th-century Congressional resolution could allow Texas to split up into five states An 1851 map of the United States shows Texas and the New Mexico, Utah and Indian Territories. Social distancing would be abandoned. ... has become so intense that we must seriously consider whether both sides might not be better off if the US were divided into separate countries. All those who love the man currently running the United States of America would become residents of the Kingdom of Mar-a-Lago. Donald Trump’s US presidency may push the United States to split into two independent countries. Foreign researchers and entrepreneurs would flock to Blue America’s universities and cities. Red America would drastically cut personal and corporate taxes, restrict immigration, and shrink government spending. I’ve tried to remain as politically neutral as possible, trying to capture what I believe would be the most likely scenario for each country. We could have the Republic of America First, the Commonwealth of God … Roy Cooper to ease COVID-19 restrictions due to economic concerns in Raleigh, N.C. Will Trump’s mishandling of records leave a hole in history? It’s time to split the U.S. into two countries. U.S. Rep. Lou Correa says he’s tested positive for the virus. Protesters from ReOpenNC calls on North Carolina Gov. State coalitions have already begun to form. But once the labor force was deported, I’m not sure how they’d find anyone to work the fields. Yankeedom is traditionally welcoming. It might be called Califowne+, standing for California, Oregon, Washington, the Northeast, plus a few other states. The USA by its own term suggests such an effect is invalid. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, several state coalitions have formed to coordinate policies for reopening their economies including the Western States Pact, an East Coast coalition, a coalition of southeast states, and a coalition of midwestern states. UC San Diego reports big surge in coronavirus infections among students back from holidays. The new north also includes all of the West Coast and is granted overland access to left-leaning territory back east via a corridor consisting of the Dakotas and Montana. Booze without TV is okay. With President Trump isolated in the White House since the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Vice President Mike Pence increasingly fills the void in their waning days in office. Four reasons the United States doesn’t seem so united anymore. It ain’t all milk and honey here, by a long shot. The United States should not split into multiple countries based on political and moral values. There would be large-scale demographic sorting. We could do it the USSR way and divide into 15 self-governed countries. How to Divide the United States into Two Countries. Amateur detectives working to identify violent rioters that stormed the U.S. Capitol don’t want the process to turn into an online witch hunt. People from blue parts of red states and red parts of blue states would eventually move to their country of choice. The US is more divided than ever. Some states … In 2004, this cartoon saw the states that had voted for ... Trumpistan vs. Clintonesia. First: Secession and Reformation. Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. Where possible, federal resources would be apportioned by population or economic size, including military assets (including nuclear weapons) and strategic stockpiles. Monday night, sadly, was a no-alcohol night for me. All Mar-a-Lago immigrants except for Melania would be sent home on rubber rafts, all the king’s conversations with foreign allies and enemies would be “perfect,” nobody smart would pay taxes and journalists would be turned away at the border unless they worked for Fox News. Over time, the two countries would diverge significantly. Economist Peter Temin in his book says the United States is no longer one country, but two economic and political worlds ... America has split into two nations. Why veterans of the military and law enforcement joined the Capitol insurrection. Flattening COVID-19 numbers bring guarded optimism in California. He is the author of several books, including the best-selling “The Soloist,” a story that began on the pages of the Los Angeles Times, where he has been a columnist since 2001. Newsom, if you haven’t noticed, keeps calling us a nation state. Maybe I’ve got a case of cabin fever and it’s eating at my brain. The issue of swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan is a major one that I’ll have to skip over for now. Then maybe there would be a country of New York, Pennsylvania, all the way down to … The industrial giant has … A man is in custody after law enforcement officials found what they described as explosive devices in his downtown Napa, Calif., business on Friday, officials say. Divide the 320 million Americans into four countries, each run by … While the transition could be challenging, the final result would be a dream come true for both sides. Canada annexes the entire West Coast and borders Mexico. But splitting in half seems a little easier to pull off, especially since the president himself expresses such deep-seated contempt for blue states. While I highly doubt it were to happen, if it were I dont think solo states/countries would be common at all. L.A. 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