Distribution: Most fruit-growing states and provinces in eastern North America. In May–July, gray dogwood produces small, creamy-white flowers in round-topped, open, branching clusters 1¼–2½ inches broad. All may be found along roadsides and railroads, thickets along crop fields and pastures, and similar habitats. Fungicide application can help prevent diseases and horticultural oils at the beginning of the season should be used to smother scale insects and reduce overwintering population of aphid and mite eggs. Alternate-leaved dogwood, Cornus alternifolia. In our other species, the flowers lack such bracts and are not very showy, with only small, white, cream-colored, or greenish-yellow petals. They are shells that protect the scale insect beneath while it feeds on tree tissues. The tree grows up to 20-30 feet and its spread can also be about 25-30 feet. In the Midwest, this is a hardier substitute for the acid-loving flowering dogwood. Dogwoods are prized for their hard wood, which withstands sudden hard shocks and wears smoother, not rougher, with use. Dogwood borer. Borers often gain entrance through a wound in the trunk, such as one caused by a lawnmower. Do not replant a dogwood in the same area and always protect the base of trees from damage. The other group, which comprises all our other native dogwoods, has either blue or white fruits and completely lacks or has only very small bracts beneath the flower cluster. It is common in the United States west of the Rockies and in Canada. The stalks bearing the fruits are bright red in some species. Diagnosing Problems of Flowering Dogwood; Flowering Dogwood Trees: Selection, Care, and Management of Disease Problems; Dogwood Insect Pests… Rough-leaved dogwood bears round, white fruits. The others lack the white inflorescences but instead may have striking blue or white berries that contrast with their purplish fall foliage. The dogwood borer rarely kills a tree in one season, but if left unchecked, these pests can eventually kill a dogwood tree, especially a young dogwood tree. In flowering dogwood (C. florida), these clusters are subtended by 4 showy white bracts that resemble petals. We enjoy the fall leaf color and red berries of flowering dogwood, as well as its springtime flowers. (503) 665-3917 3 Disease-Resistant Dogwood Trees Popular in the Northwest and How To Care for Them Insects, Diseases and Other Plant Problems: Calico scale, dogwood borer, dogwood sawfly, Japanese maple scale, leafhoppers, oyster shell scale. We grow two types of Dogwood trees, flowering or Florida Dogwood and Kousa or Korean Dogwood. If you hammer straight onto the end of a stick of dogwood, it won’t splinter or broom out. Pagoda Dogwood is an excellent small tree or large shrub that can be grown either as a single or multi-trunked specimen. Would driving to a fall festival out in the country be the same without the pretty autumn scenery? Insect. Dogwood borer, Synanthedon scitula, was found for the first time in the 1980s as a common pest in the burr knots of apple trees. These clusters appear at the tips of branches. Save For Later Print. Control measures rely largely on perfecting the cultural conditions for the tree so that it … Common flowering dogwood pests and diseases . Infestations in young trees usually occur in the main trunk, often around lawn mower injuries. A slender female beetle emerges in late May. This insect is the larva of a moth which burrows into a branch or trunk of a dogwood and feeds under the bark, weakening the tree and sometimes killing it. Although insects often damage dogwood trees, the damage is usually minor. Larvae are nearly white to light pink with a deep brown head capsule, and reach ½ inch at maturity. Pest problems may include the usual culprits such as aphids, leafhoppers, weevils and scale insects. Dogwood borer: The dogwood borer is a flying insect with a long slender body that almost looks like a bee with its black and yellow stripes. Damage is caused by insects in the larval or caterpillar stage burrowing beneath the bark of trees to eat healthy tissue. Ensuring the proper … They are known for great fall color as well as spring colors. Care for your own trees with our 3-step do-it-yourself maintenance kit. Dogwood borer, Synanthedon scitula, prefers flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) as its host. These are referred to as “secondary invaders” because they attack only after a plant has been weakened by another stress. This is true with a host of fungal and bacterial diseases of dogwood or tiny insects that may infect or infest your dogwood tree. Pollen source for 45 seedling trees were established using three polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. Similar species: Several species of nonnative dogwoods are used in landscaping, including red twig (red osier) dogwood (C. sericea, native to our west, north, and east), kousa dogwood (C. kousa, native to Japan, Korea, and China), cornelian cherry dogwood (C. mas, native to Europe and western Asia), giant dogwood (C. controversa, native to Japan, China, and the Himalayas), and bunchberry (C. canadansis, native to northern North America, Greenland, and eastern Asia). A tree planted this year will reach full-size in about a decade. The first symptom is small leaf spots with purple halos, which may expand to form larger tan blotches. Mammals such as mice, squirrels, black bear, skunks, and others also feed on the fruits. The leaves typically turn various shades of orange, red, and maroon in the fall. It has been used for items ranging from spears and daggers to weaving shuttles, golf heads, pulleys, wedges, mallet heads, knitting needles, hog yokes, hay forks, cutting boards, mountain dulcimers, decorative pen barrels, cooking spoons, and more. Trees are woody plants over 13 feet tall with a single trunk. Landscape trees in the full sun are particularly attractive to the borer. This tree is among the first to bloom. The dogwood tree can be susceptible to various pests and diseases. Among the animals that eat them are northern bobwhite, wild turkey, squirrels, white-tailed deer. How to Prune a Dogwood Tree. Spread can be greater than height at maturity. One of these pests is the dogwood borer. Native Americans apparently prepared a tobacco substitute from strips of the bark of several species under the name kinnikinnick. Damage is caused by insects in the larval or caterpillar stage burrowing beneath the bark of trees to eat healthy tissue. Dogwoods are generally deciduous shrubs or trees. Flowering dogwood has a low-branching habit with a flattish crown. One of these pests is the dogwood borer. We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. There are no sharp dividing lines between trees, shrubs, and woody vines, or even between woody and nonwoody plants. Although insects often damage dogwood trees, the damage is usually minor. The dogwood borer rarely kills a tree in one season, but if left unchecked, these pests can eventually kill a dogwood tree, especially a young dogwood tree. Caused by a fungus, Discula destructiva, dogwood anthracnose has devastated wild flowering dogwood populations in large areas of North America. Dogwood flowers provide nectar to pollinating insects and then become fruit that is sought after by birds and mammals. Pest problems may include the usual culprits such as aphids, leafhoppers, weevils and scale insects. Rough-leaved dogwood (Cornus drummondii). General crown form is oval to round but it has a unique horizontally layered branching structure which accounts for its common name. If carefully treated, a mature Dogwood tree species, such as the Flowering Dogwood, may reach 40 feet in height. A • Several different borers can infest dogwoods. Vines require support or else sprawl over the ground. Two outstanding characteristics are the four-petaled, white flowers that appear above the foliage in June and reddish-purple fall color. One group has red fruits and large petal-like bracts beneath the flower cluster — among Missouri’s native dogwoods, it is represented only by flowering dogwood. In addition to feeding on the berries in summer and fall, white-tailed deer … Among the many songbirds that may nosh on dogwood fruits are waxwings, robins, mockingbirds, catbirds, sparrows, titmice, cardinals, juncos, mourning doves, and blue jays. Several borer insects attack dogwood trees and, according to the University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program, they are the most threatening pest to established dogwoods. Ash. The fruits are berrylike (technically, drupes), ovoid to spherical, each with 1 or 2 oblong seeds. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources. Pests or conditions that affect many host species are listed only under the most common host(s). This insect is not the same as dogwood borer, which attacks tree trunks and causes a scaly, knotty appearance. Dogwood borer readily attacks trees that are declining from other stresses such as drought or disease. Synanthedon scitula (Harris) Lepidoptera: Sesiidae. The secondary leaf veins are strongly arched toward the leaf tip, becoming irregularly fused toward the leaf margin. Most dogwood decline is caused by drought or powdery mildew or grass growing beneath the tree….but you definitely have twig borer doing damage to the limb. This versatile little tree requires a little thought and care if its introduction to a property is to be a success. • Practice proper dogwood care. Dogwood Sawflies, according to BugGuide, have larvae that: “start out covered with a powdery waxy white coating, which they shed later in the year to become yellow with black cross-stripes or spots on top. Symptoms include dieback of branches and coarse, sawdust-like frass expelled from cracks in the bark… Plants commonly grow 20 to 25 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet wide. Many other insects feed on or drink sap from the foliage; one example is the dogwood spittlebug, a squat, black-and-yellow hopping insect. Though dogwood trees are, for the most part, an easy to care for landscaping tree, they do have some pests. “Wood” is a type of tissue made of cellulose and lignin that many plants develop as they mature — whether they are “woody” or not. Various species of dogwoods have been used worldwide for a variety of medicinal uses, including as a substitute for quinine in treating fevers. USA: 1051 Clinton Street, Buffalo, NY 14206, All Prices in USD. ... Aphids, Scale Insects, Leafhoppers, and Tree Hoppers (545) aquarium (59) In the fall, bright red berries appear at the point where the leaves meet the branches. Infestations in older trees are likely to be higher up in limb crotches or main limbs and associated with pruning scars, cankers, or cracked bark. Dogwood Borer The Dogwood Borer is a pest which threatens not just dogwoods but also members of the hickory, elm, willow, oak chestnut and apple families among others. While it will not necessarily kill outright, the plant or tree will become more susceptible to other problems and its appearance and the amount of fruit it produces will become compromised. cambium. Ash. One theory for the name “dogwood” is that it’s derived from “dag wood,” for making daggers and other sharp tools. Mature Height/Spread: The flowering dogwood will grow 40 feet tall when grown as an understory tree in a woodland setting.In the sun, the same tree may only grow 15 to 20 feet tall and wide. One of these pests is the dogwood borer. Many species of birds and small mammals nest in thickets and small understory trees. Pests or conditions that affect many host species are listed only under the most common host(s). Height: Swamp dogwood, our smallest species, reaches 3–13 feet; gray dogwood reaches 6–16 feet; alternate-leaved and rough-leaved dogwood may be 6–20 feet; and flowering dogwood, our largest species, grows to be a small tree at 10–49 feet. If the tree is planted in full sun with limited water or under other stress, the damage can be serious. Although insects often damage dogwood trees, the damage is usually minor. The wood of the dogwood tree is one of the hardest and it is said that it was chosen to make the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Rough-leaved dogwood is one of Missouri's hardiest shrubs. Dogwood trees are naturally graceful and attractive, so you probably won’t want to trim off too much. The list below shows common and important tree problems. One of these, the European species C. mas (Cornelian cherry), is made into jams and syrups. It can be used as an accent, specimen or key plant, and in … The issues affecting dogwood trees are too numerous for this writing, but we can cover some of the most common dogwood problems… The shallow root system will benefit from a layer of mulch to maintain a cool root environment. This guide will show you the best methods of dealing with these unwelcome pests so your dogwood tree can return to its normal health and beauty. Insects SP290-C Dogwood Borer Infestation, Damage and Control Frank A. Hale, Professor originally developed by Harry E. Williams, Professor Emeritus Entomology and Plant Pathology The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is one of the most popular ornamental plants in Tennessee landscapes. 1 Dogwood anthracnose. Updated: January 26, 2016. The Dogwood Borer is a pest which threatens not just dogwoods but also members of the hickory, elm, willow, oak chestnut and apple families among others. Gray dogwood (stiff dogwood), Cornus foemina. The leaves are opposite (alternate in one of our species), simple, with entire or wavy margins, dark green upper sides and usually with paler undersides. Unfortunately, there are a couple pests you should be aware of if you have a dogwood tree. The list below shows common and important tree problems. There is a dogwood borer that is attracted to freshly cut areas on dogwoods. Partly grown larvae appear to be covered with a white, chalky powder. It can be grown as a single or multi-trunk tree. ... of trees, creating accumulations of reddish frass at the tunnel exits and causing loss of tree vigor (C). This is a fungal disease that begins as leaf spots. It is not ideal for all sites and climate conditions and it is vulnerable to a range of diseases and insect predators. Don’t let this opportunity to plant a real showstopper pass you by! Powdery mildew, an unsightly fungal infection, doesn't usually kill the tree but probably weakens it until another pest comes along and delivers the final blow. Call 1-800-392-1111 to report poaching and arson. Oct 11, 2015 - Jamaican dogwood tree is good for insects, bad for fish | KeysNews.com Dogwood borer (Synanthedon scitula) is the most serious insect pest of flowering dogwood. In areas where dogwood boring insects are common, refrain from pruning in spring as the pruned cuts provide an entry point for these pesky pests. Moderate infestations slow growth while heavy or repeated infestations can kill trees by girdling and disrupting the flow of sap. alternate-leaved_dogwood_cornus_alternifolia.jpg, Rough-Leaved_Dogwood_Cornus_drummondii.jpg, Flowering_Dogwood_Fall_Leaves_Fruit_9-28-16.jpg, Rough-leaved_Dogwood_Hi_Lonesome_Prairie_8-17-14.jpg, Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Nonwoody Plants. The origin of the name comes from the smooth, straight twigs which were used to make butchers’ skewers. Dark green leaves, 3 to 6 inches long, turn an attractive red in fall. More than 60 different kinds occur in Indiana, yet they are often overlooked or ignored until tree or shrub branches “mysteriously” start to die. Dogwood borer. And once you know some facts about dogwoods, growing and nurturing these handsome trees is a breeze. Dogwood Insects & Diseases. And don’t prune dogwoods in spring, since it can attract borer insects. Additional Resources. If we tip the scales toward good news, you should know that it takes at least three to four years for scale insects to suck the life out of young trees and shrubs. Remove suckers and enough … A large number of the problems experienced by your dogwood tree will likely be as result of poor soil conditions, inadequate moisture and watering, or  improper care. The dogwood tree is an amazing and beautiful, flowering tree. Foliage: Copyright 2020 Treehelp.com, Sign up for our newsletter to receive special offers and promotions. Trimming back the branches of diseased or infested branches of the dogwood tree will help get rid of branches that have become sick or infested with insects. When full grown, they are cream-colored with a shiny black head and black spots. There are many species with various forms and climatic adaptations. The bright red fruits are an important food for wildlife in the late summer and early fall. Dogwoods contribute to the overall look of fall color, and fall color is good for Missouri tourism. It is common in the United States west of the Rockies and in Canada. Family Cornaceae (Dogwood family) Plant identification. Spot anthracnose is more common. Due to its year-round appeal and small size, dogwood tree is one of the most sought after ornamental plants in Northern America. This open wound allows in diseases and pests that can harm your dogwood. Dogwood borer – The bark is injured, with fine boring dust on the trunk and branches in late summer. It is also a good idea to prune a dogwood tree when disease or insect infestation is apparent. Initial infection could have entered through transplanting wounds or through wounds caused by insects, animals, sunscald, lawn mowers or weed whips. beech bark disease, beech blight aphid; Cherry. It is one of five species of dogwoods native to Missouri. Red winter stems of 'Cardinal' (Cornus sericea) is a shrub native to Minnesota with colorful red or yellow winter bark that provides great winter interest.As a landscape plant, redosier dogwood is extremely versatile. free shipping on orders over $100. They are most active from April through June, so it is definitely advisable not to do any pruning during that time frame. Commonly occurring insect pests of dogwood include the dogwood borer, dogwood club-gall midge and scales. Covid-19 Update Dogwood fruits provide food for various mammals and birds and are recommended for wildlife plantings. Many other insects feed on or drink sap from the foliage; one example is the dogwood spittlebug, a squat, black-and-yellow hopping insect. Dogwoods are generally deciduous shrubs or trees. Flower color: White is the usual color of the dogwood’s petal-like bracts, but some are pink or even pale red, such as C. florida ‘Rubra’. When planted in full sun or on an unfavorable site, dogwoods may be susceptible to a variety of insect pests, most of which cause damage to the trunk and branches of the tree. There are many species with various forms and climatic adaptations. Dogwood sawflies are caterpillar-like wasp larvae that feed on tree leaves. The corneliancherry dogwood (Cornus mas) is a large shrub or small tree. Secondary invaders are a symptom of other problems with the health of the tree or shrub, but may contribute to its decline. Other common pests of dogwood include leaf spot fungi, Armillaria root rot, dogwood twig borer, ambrosia beetle, aphids, whitefly, scale insects, and leaf-feeding caterpillars. In early winter, trim back dead, damaged or crossing branches. Most insect borers are attracted to weakened, damaged, dying or dead plants. The dogwood tree can be susceptible to various pests and diseases. Articles. (and such good pictures!). Optimum conditions for growth The Dogwood Borer is a pest which threatens not just dogwoods but also members of the hickory, elm, willow, oak chestnut and apple families among others. Dogwood Tree Care: Disease and Pests Aphids and powdery mildew can be a problem, but a fungicidal application and horticultural oils in spring can help prevent insects and diseases. The flowering dogwood is also easily damaged by lawnmowers and … Missouri’s other native members of the dogwood family are in a different genus, Nyssa: swamp tupelo (N. aquatica), swamp black gum (N. biflora), and black gum (N. sylvatica). When the girdling is complete the tree will die. Dogwood Borer Insect. Dogwood berries are not toxic when eaten, but there have been reports of rashes after skin contact with the tree . Heavy infestation can kill the plant. All of these insects, of course, are food for birds and other insect-eating animals. The fruit of our native dogwoods, however, is not edible for people. John D. Byrd, Mississippi State University, Bugwood.org, Alternate-Leaved Dogwood (Pagoda Dogwood). Which affects mainly the C. nuttallii and the C. florida species. Appearance of white flowers on the tree indicates the arrival of spring. Commonly occurring insect pests of dogwood include the dogwood borer, dogwood club-gall midge, and scales.Dogwood Borer: The dogwood borer (Synanthedon scitula) is the larva (immature form) of a clearwing moth that resembles a wasp. Ensuring the proper growth conditions should be your first concern. Rake and destroy fallen leaves. Its larvae, which are 3 to 5 inches long and generally pink or light orange in color, live inside the tree and bore into the wood as they travel and eat. The tree is known and admired for its display of very showy, large, white ... Insects, Diseases, or Other Plant Problems: Calico scale, dogwood borer, dogwood sawfly, Japanese maple scale, leafhoppers, oyster shell scale. The shells may be white, yellow or brown to black, and are only 1/10 to 2/5 inch in diameter. The entire tree may be killed over a period of years. Damage is caused by insects in the larval or caterpillar stage burrowing beneath the bark of trees to eat healthy tissue. Dogwood trees planted in the sun are more susceptible than trees in the shade. Different species have different ranges. Dogwood Borer . When pruning your tree, be aware that removing large branches can damage the trunk. Powdery Mildew Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that can appear on many types of trees and plants. Pests and Diseases. Dogwoods are shrubs or small trees. The adult, a Apply a fungicide during bud break to protect new flowers, twigs, and foliage. Close to the borer withstands sudden hard shocks and wears smoother, not rougher, with fine boring dust the... Pastures, and maroon in the fall are declining from other stresses such as one caused by insects, course. 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