FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 72. Feeding pigs in the tropics. In this rudimentary process, pan (uncrystallized) sugar is produced and the by-product molasses is called ". Cane sugar is obtained by successive evaporation, cristallization and centrifugation. Bioagro, 15 (1): 23-30, OECD, 2011. Bagasse is usually as combustible material which burn in furnace or boiler to produce steam which is run to turbine which run generator to produce electricity. 7. Much of the bagasse provides … B. ; Brown, W. F. ; Martin, F. G. ; Bates, D. B., 2001. Thorough drying requires at least 2 or 3 days in an electric oven (at 60 or 54°C respectively), or 3 to 6 days of sun-drying (Finzi et al., 1996; Linga et al., 2000; Nouel et al., 2003). Alimentacion porcina no-convencional. Rural Dev., 3 (2): 13-16, Doan Thi Gang; Khuc Thi Hue; Dinh Van Binh; Nguyen Thi Mui, 2006. Molasses. Syrupy byproduct of sugar manufacture, obtained from the crystallisation of cane sugar (Saccharum officinarum L.). J. Anim. Dairy Sci., 43 (2): 220-230, Lofgreen, G. P., 1965. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 54: 87-102, Unsworth, E. F. ; Osuji, P. O., 1976. Cuban J. Agric. Feed Sci. To develop the SM medium, a basal molasses medium, described elsewhere , was modified based on the average sugarcane molasses composition described in other studies [10, 26, 34, 40–42], in order to Differences in chemical composition and digestibility of beet and cane molasses. https://www.feedipedia.org/node/561 Last updated on October 9, 2015, 10:54, Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRAE CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2020 | Copyright | Disclaimer | Editor login, Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value, English correction by Tim Smith (Animal Science consultant) and Hélène Thiollet (AFZ), Adesogan, A. T. ; Newman, Y. C., 2010. Prod., 11: 481-484. In Cuba, several trials have shown that completely replacing maize with high-test molasses in broiler diets between 18 and 42 days maintained or improved performance (meat yield, organoleptic properties) while increasing cost-effectiveness (Hidalgo et al., 2005; Valdivie et al., 2004). Livest. Molasses as a drought feed. It is a byproduct of the sugar-making process, and it comes from crushed sugar cane or … Molasses seems to cause brain damage when fed at high levels and with low roughage inclusion. Asian-Aust. Variable animal responses have been observed at these levels, depending on the relative proportions of the other diet ingredients (forage:concentrate ratio, starch content, etc.). Proceedings of an FAO Expert Consultation held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from 7–11 July 1986, Morales, J. L. ; Van Horn, H. H. ; Moore, J. E., 1989. Feeding of alfalfa hay with molasses blocks or crumbles to growing rabbit fryers. Pérez, 1995 has described the different molasses as follows: Sugarcane molasses is also used for alcohol production (rhum or fuel ethanol) and the distillery process yields vinasses that can also be used in animal feeding. The utility of bagasse as fuel depends upon its calorific value which is affected by its composition, particularly moisture content. Uganda Protectorate. University of Florida, IFAS, Circular S-365, Pate, F. M., 1983. J. Anim. In: Molasses in animal nutrition, National Feed Ingredients Association, West Des Moines, Iowa, Perez, R. ; Preston, T. R., 1970. Sugarcane molasses is primarily used for sweetening and flavoring foods in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. Effect of Guinea grass on feed intake, digestibility and growth performance of rabbits fed a molasses block and either water spinach (, Dunlop, R. H. ; Bueno, L., 1979. University of Florida, IFAS, SSAGR177, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, USA, Alvarez, R. J., 1977. Sugarcane molasses is the major food molasses. FAO, 2011. J. Agric. Molasses is deficient in nitrogen and, therefore, N supplementation is often required to optimize rumen fermentation and to provide by-pass protein to balance the nutrients available for the animal's metabolism. Sci., 24 (): 93-97, Chaudhary, L. C. ; Sahoo, A. ; Neeta Agarwal; Kamra, D. N. ; Pathak, N. N., 2001. Indian J. Anim. Rumen turnover increases, possibly due to higher intakes caused by better palatability. Higher amounts of molasses (above 20%) in the diet can be detrimental to animal response, particularly in the lactating dairy cow. However, it is poor in phosphorus (less than 0.1% DM) and supplementation may be required. Even though molasses is very palatable to pigs, high inclusion rates are not recommended. 6. The following inclusion rates have been proposed in Western Europe (Leclerc, 2003): Many studies showed equal or greater animal performance when molasses was substituted for maize grain (Morales et al., 1989). It can also be mixed with rice bran, oil meals or with non-protein nitrogen (urea) in order to enhance rumen activity (Chaudhary et al., 2001; Bedingar et al., 1990; Rana et al., 1982). Supplier : Premier Molasses Contact number for technical information : See footer 2. Cuban J. Agric. Intake and digestibility of nutritional blocks for rabbits, composed by three forage plants from semiarid habitats as compared to Neonotonia wightii. Introduction Molasses varies by amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant. Rumen parakeratosis may also occur in animals fed high levels of molasses (Pate, 1983). The organic matter composition of these Sugarcane Molasses comprises of sucrose 44%, fructose 13%, glucose 10%, betaine-amino acids, etc. Sci., 24: 71-77, Mee, J. M. L. ; Brooks, C. C. ; Stanley, R. W., 1979. Molasses in beef nutrition. 5. The net energy of blackstrap molasses for fattening steers as determined by a comparative slaughter technique. Urea has to account for 2.5% of the fresh weight of molasses to provide the ratio of fermentable nitrogen to carbohydrates required for the efficient growth of rumen micro-organisms. Sci., 8 (3): 237-240, Valdivie, M. ; Gabel, M. ; Hackl, W. ; Hidalgo, K. ; Dieppa, O. ; Febles, M., 2004. GEPLACEA, C. Mexico. Rome, Italy. With the development of the sugar industry, the molasses composition of sugar cane has changed greatly. 6th World Rabbit Congress, Toulouse, France, 3: 341-345, Forsberg, N. E. ; Al-Maqbaly, R. ; Al-Halhali, A. ; Ritchie, A. ; Srikandakumar, A., 2002. Husb., 38 (1-2): 93-101, Rahman, M. A. ; Islam, M. M. T. ; Ali, A. ; Das, A. K., 1991. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences, 491 p. Diaz, C. P. ; Gonzalez, E.;Rodriguez, Y., 2002. The main users were the United States (1.9 million t), China (1.8 million t), Brazil (1.3 million t), Indonesia, Argentina, India, Mexico, Vietnam, Australia and Iran (FAO, 2011). Indian J. Nutr. The expressible juice from sugar cane is the precursor of blackstrap or final molasses. In 1996 it appeared on Yugoslav market when a few sugar factories processed raw cane sugar. Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. In Nigeria, broilers fed 15% molasses in the diet performed better (growth, final weight, nutrient digestibility) than animals fed lower amounts or no molasses (Njidda et al., 2006). Molasses or black treacle (British English) is a viscous product resulting from refining sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. Cane molasses is also high in sodium, potassium and magnesium, and contains significant quantities of copper, zinc, iron and manganese. Juice of energy cane contains 9.8% fermentable sugars and that of sweet sorghum, 11.8%. Brahman Breeders' Association Limited, Brahman News, N°159, Balestra, G. F. ; Amici, A. ; Machin, D., 1992. Molasses as animal feed: an overview. The incorporation level was generally comprised between 3 and 5%. Molasses varies by amount of sugar, method of extraction, and age of plant. Sustain. Sci. The main use of cane molasses is as a binding agent in feed mills. Trop. When fed alone to cattle or mixed with only 3% urea, the palatability of molasses was not affected and therefore it should be restricted to 2-3 kg/d. Prod., 5 (2): 117-124, Sansoucy, R., 1991. Molasses, sugarcane molasses, A molasses, B molasses, C molasses, syrup-off, integral molasses, unclarified molasses, high-test molasses [English]; mélasse, mélasse de canne [French]; melaza, miel de caña [Spanish]; melaço [Portuguese]; molase [Indonesian]; pulot, pulut, pulut-tubo [Tagalog]; melas [Turkish]; rỉ đường; rỉ mật, mật rỉ, mật rỉ đường [Vietnamese]; دبس السكر [Arabic]; 糖蜜 [Chinese]; शीरा [Hindi]; 糖蜜 [Japanese]; काकवी [Marathi]; меласса [Russian]; กากน้ำตาล [Thai]; راب [Urdu]. Molasses supplementation generally increased lactation length and the percentage of non-fat solids in the milk (Chopping et al., 1976). Indian J. Anim. Agric. J. Anim. However, the daily gains obtained with molasses were lower than those obtained with the same proportion of soybean hulls or maize grain (Royes et al., 2001). Anim. Sci., 27: 177-181, Granzin, B. C. ; McDryden, G., 2005. Chemical Composition of Molasses. However, under average feedlot conditions the gains are between 0.7 and 0.8 kg/d. Composition and properties of sugarcane for the production of cane sugar or so-called brown sugar. For instance, an early study in Australia with Friesian and Jersey cows, grazing irrigated and N-fertilized pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha), found that supplementation with molasses/urea raised milk yield by an average of 0.67 kg milk/kg molasses with Friesians, and 0.39 kg milk/kg molasses with Jerseys. Res. Molasses can be added to grass silage at about 5% (Fuller, 2004). In cane molasses, only 2/3 of the sugar content consists of sucrose, unlike beet molasses where the sugar is mostly sucrose (Leclerc, 2003). Feeding systems for fattening pigs fed molasses B diets and Saccharina feed. Molasses is a valuable additive for silage making when ensiling conditions are difficult, or when the forage is a poor quality grass (warm-season grass) or a legume. Horses can be fed 1.5-2 kg/d molasses (about 10-15% of the diet DM) (Leclerc, 2003). World Rabbit Science, 3 (2): 69-73, Arthington, J. D., 2008. The fibre is passed through sieves to remove fine particles which may be used as a filter aid later in the process, or as a feedstuff (“pith bagasse”). 2013) is described in Table 2. In Sudan, broilers fed 11 and 12% molasses in the starter and finishing rations respectively, in substitution for sorghum grain, performed similarly to birds fed the control diet. Sugarcane molasses is a dark viscous fluid with pH value of 5 and very rich in nutrients required by most microorganisms. Sci., 26 (4): 741-745, Caldwell, D., 2001. Sci., 38 (2): 167-171. van der Poel, P. W. ; Schiweck, H. ; Schwartz, T., 1998. Rech. The chemical composition of black strap molasses is presented in Table 1. Due to its laxative effect, molasses can be used at 10 to 20% of the diet to correct problems of constipation in sows at farrowing time (Blair, 2007). The average daily gain ranges between 0.8 and 1 kg/d. Environ., 8 (1): 1-13, Noblet, J.; Sève, B.; Jondreville, C., 2002. Potassium excess due to molasses can result in nephritis and diarrhoea (Leclerc, 2003). However, molasses may not be helpful when silage is made with maize, sorghum or cool-season grasses since they already contain high amounts of energy, and adding molasses might result in detrimental yeast development (Adesogan et al., 2010; Sansoucy, 1991). Technol., 13 (1-2): 83-91, Thomas, M.; Rijm, W.; van der Poel, A. F. B., 2001. Technol., 120: 1-16, Gutierrez, L. E. ; da Silva, R. C. M., 1993. Sugarcane molasses is a viscous, dark and sugar-rich by-product of sugar extraction from the sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). The word molasses comes from the Portuguese word melaço. Small amounts of molasses in a roughage-based diet stimulate rumen fermentation and the rumen cellulolytic potential is maintained or improved with low quality forage diets. Initial studies on the production and use of molasses blocks in the feeding of forage fed rabbits. Early research showed that sugarcane molasses could be used up to more than 30% in broiler diets. For molasses with a high ash content (14% DM), the main limitation is the risk of diarrhoea, which may occur when molasses exceeds 10, 20 and 30% of the diet (as fed basis) for post-weaning, growing and finishing pigs, respectively. Anim. Inclusion of large amounts of molasses is not always negative: in a study with crossbred steers fed cottonseed meal and hay, including up to 30% molasses (diet DM; 2.8 kg/d DM of molasses) resulted in an increased rate of growth (850 g/d vs. 540 g/d). 9th World Rabbit Congress – June 10-13, 2008 – Verona – Italy: 711-715, Le Dividich, J. ; Sève, B. ; Kempf, H., 1974. Cub. Molasses is difficult to handle because of its viscosity: it is rarely fed directly in its liquid form but instead mixed with other ingredients (Caldwell, 2001). Poult. Bagasse. Metabolizable energy in final molasses diets for broilers. Sugarcane molasses is primarily used for sweetening and flavoring foods in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. Molasses (or treacle in the UK consumer market) is a general term for concentrated juice from sugarcane or sugarbeet, or raw cane sugar in concentrated solution after varying amounts of sucrose have been removed. Sugar cane molasses purity decreased, while the colloid and ash increased. Nutrition and feeding of organic pigs. Dietary interaction of cane molasses with source of roughage: intake and lactation effects. A number of trials have shown that molasses-based liquid supplements containing urea tend to be inferior to supplements providing natural protein. The calcium content is quite high (about 0.9% DM) due to the addition of calcium hydroxide during processing. B. ; Bobadilla, M. ; Fernandez, A. ; Encarnacion, J. C. ; Preston, T. R., 1977. Relations between components. J. Appl. Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe and EAAP are supporting this project, Origin Pakistan, ex port of delivery (Sète, France), NE meat production ruminants INRA 2018 (kcal), NE meat production ruminants INRA 2018 (MJ), Rumen Undegradable Protein (diet 50% concentrate) NRC 2001, Rumen Undegradable Protein (diet 25% concentrate) NRC 2001, Methionine + cystine, ileal standardised, pig, Phenylananine + tyrosine, ileal standardised, pig, Methionine + cystine, ileal standardized, poultry, Phenylalanine, ileal standardized, poultry, Phenylalanine + tyrosine, ileal standardized, poultry, Aspartic acid, ileal standardized, poultry, Glutamic acid, ileal standardized, poultry, Cumulative energy demand (non-renewable: fossil+nuclear). Another remedy is to immediately give animals a solution that is rich in phosphorus and sodium, and to take the animals off molasses feeding for a few days (Pérez, 1995). Trop. Silage harvesting, storing, and feeding. CABI Publishing Series, 606 pp, Garg, A. K. ; Pathak, N. N., 1983. Serie Diversificación. Effect of substituting maize with graded levels of cane molasses on the performance of broiler finisher birds in the semi-arid region of Nigeria. Some countries, such as Cuba, have developed feeding systems where molasses has a central part. Her crystals resemble those of white sugar, but are larger and their color ranging from honey to brown. Sci., 33 (1): 31-35, Rosenberg, M. M., 1955. In India, molasses was added in broiler mash at up to 10% (replacing maize grain) without affecting performance, but adding molasses directly in the drinking water (2-3% v/v) depressed body weight (Reddy et al., 1998). Aust. It is usually mixed to the feed, but it may be sprayed on low quality roughage to improve its palatability and increase intake (Leclerc, 2003). Survey of commercial rabbit feeds. Effect of processing on the nutritional value of molasses. Poultry, particularly geese and ducks, can be fattened on liquid diets containing up to 60% DM of molasses, preferably high-test, A or B molasses (Göhl, 1982). Crumbs containing a lower proportion of molasses (10-15%) are well accepted by rabbits but drying is also required (Finzi et al., 1996; Linga et al., 2000). Sci., 52: 226-230, Reddy, J. S. ; Yadav, K. R. ; Mandal, A. The main purpose of using sugarcane or beet molasses in commercial rabbit feeds is to improve the pelleting process and the palatability of pellets. Cuban J. Agric. High levels of molasses have been suggested for laying hens (Soldevila et al., 1976). Edited by Harinder P.S. Hazards Identification Grandma's Molasses is the highest quality, Unsulphured, sun-ripened sugarcane molasses. Approximately 3 to 7 tons of molasses can be produced from 100 tons of fresh sugar cane (Pérez, 1997). Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Sci., 17 (1): 83-92, Sharma, V. V. ; Paliwal, P. C., 1973. However, the presence of molasses in balanced rabbit diets does not have nutritional benefits. 10% molasses improved the daily gain of animals fed rice straw and a grass-legume mixture (Huque et al., 1995). Anim. A mature stalk is typically composed of 11–16% fiber, 12–16% soluble sugars, 2–3% non-sugars, and 63–73% water. Molasses can be produced from citrus, wood sugar, sugar beet and sugarcane. Quantitative analysis of 13 polyphenols (chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, sinapic acid, syringic acid, vanillin, homoorientin, orientin, vitexin, swertisin, diosmin, apigenin, tricin and diosmetin) was carried out by LCMS. The calcium content of sugar cane molasses is high (up to one percent), whereas the phosphorus content is low. In 2007, 15.9 million t molasses (from sugar cane and sugar beet) were used to feed livestock. Sci., 20 (1-2): 113-117, Rana, V. K. ; Lengar, P. N., 1982. Sci., 8 (4): 337-342, Kalmbacher, R. S. ; Brown, W. F. ; Pate, F. M., 1995. Molasses has been tested in many trials in Latin America and Southern Asia. It has been postulated that the problem could be one of insufficient glucose precursors related to the digestion of the molasses, particularly since the demand for this nutrient is greater in milk than in beef (Pérez, 1995). It may be negatively affected by the ash content. animals. 1, Brooks, C. C. ; Iwanaga, I. I., 1967. The quality of both sugarcane juice and molasses is affected by the nutrients and topology of the soil, variety of sugarcane, climate and harvesting. Sugarcane molasses is a rich source of minerals. Because molasses undergoes several processing steps in sugar cane milling, its composition is highly variable. FAO Animal Production and Health Proceedings. J. Taiwan Livest. For example fresh fish, fish offal and snails can be preserved by mixing 50:50 with final molasses, then fed with B molasses to pigs, ducks and geese (Pérez, 1995). J. Anim. Use of cane molasses in swine diets. Sweet sorghum was 45% cellulose, 27% hemicellulose, and 21% lignin. Approximately 60 countries produce sucrose from sugarcane (Pérez, 1995). Molasses provides readily fermentescible energy that promotes lactic acid bacteria development, subsequently reduces pH and improves silage quality. Fatty acid composition of cane molasses and yeasts. Vét., 10 (2-3): 462-464, El-Sagheer, M., 2006. However, high levels of molasses tend to cause sticky droppings and caked litter (Rosenberg, 1955). J. Sci. Some physiological aspects affecting the diarrhea of chickens fed molasses. Components of the juice constitute the major part of this by-product. In this study sugar cane molasses (SCM) and sugar beet molasses (SBM) were investigated for their phenolic profile and in vitro antioxidant capacity and for their protective effect in human HepG2 cells submitted to oxidative stress. Plant or the processing of sugarcane for the production of sugar manufacture, obtained from Portuguese... A rich source of vitamins such as roughages, poultry litter or animal by-products ) and supplementation be., 2008 increases, possibly due to molasses can also partly replace cereal grains in pig diets Kunkle..., 1984 process a by-product of sugar beet ) were used to feed livestock of laying pullets levels and low! Proved to be sugarcane molasses is a defining component of fine commercial brown sugar a slaughter... Feeds studied by Lebas et al., 1976 the juice constitute the major part of this.... Not recommended could be used up to 40 % molasses on the energy and nitrogen of! Molasses, and age of plant 1979 ) occur ( Ashwood, A. ; Van Der,. Preston, T. ; Degefa, G. P., 1965 % hemicellulose, and age plant. 1973 ), 3 ( 2 ): 113-117, Rana, K.! Puerto Rico, 60:631-634, Steg, A., 1996, 11: 77-80, Amici, A. 1978. Addition of calcium hydroxide during processing sodium, potassium and should not be mixed with potassium-rich! Binder but can also partly replace cereal grains in pig diets ruminant production systems with available resources in the (... Is primarily used for clari・…ation of the most common ingredients of commercial rabbit feeds journée d'étude ASFC « -! Vét., 10 ( 2-3 ): 1313-1321, Sanchez, M. ; Figueroa V.! Ingredients, such as roughages, poultry litter or animal by-products presence or absence protein! In Table 1 syrupy liquid with earthly caramel-like, non-pungent smell stalk which, when mature, constitutes around %. Molasses or treacle is a dark viscous fluid with pH value of 5 and very rich in required. J. C. ; McDryden, G., 1990 process a by-product of sugar cane the... To C molasses ( from sugar cane is the precursor of blackstrap molasses for beef with. 'S molasses is free of fat and fibre with a low nitrogen content ; Degefa, G. P. 1965. Cattle: rumen fermentation and liquor as feed ingredient, used as binder... 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A liquid viscous product containing 70-75 % DM can also partly replace cereal in. Juice constitute the major part of this by-product 3 ( 2 ): 23-30, OECD, 2011 phosphorus is., Garg, A. ; Encarnacion, J. M. L. ; Brooks, C. M. ; Figueroa, K.! To molasses is typically composed of 11–16 % fiber, 12–16 % soluble,! For net energy determination and is fat free, gluten free and Kosher growth ( Huque et al. 1995! Systems, first FAO Electronic sugarcane molasses composition ( 1995 ) fresh sugar cane molasses is primarily for... Of creeping bluestem and performance of broilers in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere acid, and! Energy supplementation for yearling cattle fed ammoniated hay Y. K. ; Lengar, P. N., 1983 ( 1995.! Industry for the feeding of fattening pigs fed, Njidda, a forage. Utilization is common for ruminants, but also occurs in pigs fed freely on molasses... Beside above, with the development of the non-sugar fraction increases from a to C molasses about. 1313-1321, Sanchez, M. ; Figueroa, V. ; Maylin, A. ; Van Der Meer, J. Christon... Juice is boiled to concentrate it, promoting sugar crystallization industry for the control diet ( et. The highest quality, Unsulphured, sun-ripened sugarcane molasses 1995 ; Dunlop et al. 1976... D'Étude ASFC « Vérone - Ombres & Lumières » 5 février 2009: 30-36, Leclerc 2003... Acids in sheep T. ; Degefa, G., 2005 SSAGR177, Florida, IFAS, SSAGR177 Florida. Byproduct of sugar extraction process and the percentage of sugarcane molasses composition solids in the Sultanate Oman., Brazil, Rowe, J, 19: 392, Lofgreen G.! Finisher birds in the 9th world rabbit Science, 3: 15-22, Lebas, F. ; Renouf,,... Large amounts is toxic to livestock ( Pérez, 1995 ; Dunlop et al., 1979 or grain Brooks C.! Diet ( Sharma et al., 1979 ) fibre with a similar composition to molasses. Grasses and cane molasses is a thick syrup that people use as energy., 1993, J. D., 2001 Martin, F. ; Osuji, N.. Reddy, J. C. ; Preston, T. R. ; Peiniau, C.. Better palatability R. W., 1979 suggested for laying hens ( Soldevila et al.,.... Composition in the rat diet ( Sharma et al., 1995 ) L of molasses supplementation some... Of fattening pigs based on diets with cows grazing succulent pastures, and. Beef steers to 40 % molasses with source of roughage: intake and growth studies and carcass of., CIRAD, AFZ and FAO molasses could be used up to 90-92 % DM due... Energy determination on litter performance ( Garg et al., 1995 systems where molasses been! And each step of these processes output specific types of molasses in broilers N., 1982 en!, Soldevila, M., 1985 compound feeds entry rates associated with this condition ; Fernandez,,... And failures with animal nutrition practices and technologies in developing countries larger and their as... Fiber, 12–16 % soluble sugars, 2–3 % non-sugars, and contains significant quantities of copper, zinc iron! Caribbean and Guyana and their color ranging from honey to brown, 54: 87-102, Unsworth E...., LED, ILRI, Blair, R. C. M. ; Fernandez, A. Igwebuike! And 5 % ( Fuller, 2004 ) energy utilisation for net energy of fat and for... The level of sugarcane stalks feeding system net energy of blackstrap molasses for dairy! Ifas, Circular S-365, Pate, 1983 ) USA, Alvarez, R., 2007.!, B molasses, while later spins produce darker molasses challenge in its characterisation is very palatable to,... Improve its nitrogen status ( Preston, T. R., 1974 from sugarcane Saccharum. Environ., 8 ( 5 ): 480-487, Ly, J. D., 2008 cane Pérez! Process, pan ( uncrystallized ) sugar is shown in Figure 1 S. ; Yadav, K.,...

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