All Romulan names are assumed to be used in RIS Bouteina. However, a minority of Romulans lack these ridges, making them outwardly indistinguishable from Vulcans. The Romulan ranking system is similar, in many ways, to Starfleet ranking. Maintaining a dim memory of their own suppression by the Vulcans, Romulans would have evolved into a militaristic society where guile and deceit are used to overcome stronger enemies, and eventually a Romulan Star Empire. Romulan forces were able to spread out from Berengaria and take several Allied planets, including Deneva. Despite their com… The defeat of the Star Empire saw a weakening of the position of the Emperor of the Romulan Star Empire, which in turn made the position of Praetor rise in power. non-beneficial mutations would surely have been seen as a deformity, decreasing chances of breeding... and even if there was, there would surely be a majority that did not exhibit mutations. 2000 years is not enough generations for a non-beneficial mutation to propagate across the entire population, (i.e., for the genetic traits of the original "hot people" to die out), Welcome to SFF.SE. Enterprise NX-01 inadvertently encountered a Romulan minefield at one point, officially the first time humanity became aware of the Romulans. Share Followers 0. Most Romulans have two brow ridges above the bridge of their nose, forming a V-shape on the forehead. Klingons vs. Romulans. Can they breed? Why a sign of gradient (plus or minus) is not enough for finding a steepest ascend? Is Harry Potter the only student with glasses? Or are they just factions? And if they manage to beat … How to reveal a time limit without videogaming it? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This means nothing in the Star Trek universe, as pretty much anything can breed with anything. I know that Vulcans and Romulan come from the same parent race. The Romulans Began on Vulcan So thousands … First Contact happens in 2063. Josepha Sherman and Susan M. Schwartz's Vulcan's Heart (1999) involved Spock traveling to Romulus to aid the Romulan Commander from "The Enterprise Incident". Thus the Romulans separated from the Vulcans a long time before the 4th century CE. Recall in the STOS episode -Return To Tomorrow- Sargon speaks of Henock as being "from the other side" in the contest that devastated their planet; Spock spoke of certain aspects of Vulcan prehistory being explainable as ancient colonization by explorers from Sargon's planet. For Earthly mammals, the affected sex is males with their Y chromosome. As their level of technology improved, the Vulcans' violent nature threatened the species with extinction. How did Vulcans view half-human-half-Vulcan hybrids? They are related, the Vulcans and Romulans, yes? Upon seeing the Romulans for the first time, Starfleet learned a shocking secret; their longtime enemies looked exactly like their good friends the Vulcans. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. An ahn'woon is a Vulcan catch-strangle weapon, similar in principle to the Earth Roman gladiator's cast net. What is this vial for in this package of grass jelly? The IVS Harroll is under attack by 4 Romulan Imperial Hawks and 4 Romulan Warbirds! He likely could say the same thing about Humans. Romulans had been aware of Humanity for some time before Earth knew of them. When Did Vulcans Change from No Emotions to Buried Emotions? This is particularly visible among felines, with crossbreeds such as ligers. Posted November 2, 2011. Romulans are insular, and xenophobic (known to avoid contact with other races for hundreds of years). Spock met underground Romulans intent on brokering a peace before Jean-Luc Picard and his crew discovered it was all part of an elaborate plot by the Romulans to conquer Vulcan. Perhaps there were two different species or subspecies making these colonizations together; the more agressive "Othersiders" and the peaceful "Sargonites." But then I was confused about how Romulans act vs Vulcans. To add to the Klingon/Romulan compatibility there was also the episode where Worf's blood could have been transfused into a dying romulan. The Romulans and Vulcans separated their bloodlines sometime before Surak came along during Surak's time known as "The Awakening". Additionally, Romulans' Vulcan heritage is reflected in their immense physical strength, making them powerful … long enough to have offshoot cultures. Due to their shared ancestry, Vulcans and Romulans possess very similar anatomy and physiology. They are still the same, biologically, and can interbreed. The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus in the Beta Quadrant in the Star Trek Universe. (In the early days of Trek writing, many novels contradicted each other, so the commander has had a number of names and fates.) edited out prior to the film's release and never restored; as a This means nothing in the Star Trek universe, as pretty much anything can breed with anything. Vulcans are … At some point in history, the Romulans and the Vulcans engaged in a … Romulans have pointed ears, eyebrows that are arched and upswept, and copper-based blood that appears green when oxygenated in the arteries, or copper or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins. Upon seeing the Romulans for the first time, Starfleet learned a shocking secret; their longtime enemies looked exactly like their good friends the Vulcans. Remans, on the other hand look decidedly more Nosferatu-like, with “gray skin, cadaverous frames and catlike ears” - a product of their time spent in the mines beneath the surface of Remus. RAID level and filesystem for a large storage server. The Vulcans were placed on an icy world on the border of the Federation and were overseen by Romulan guards. A Romulan male Infiltrating the highest levels of the Vulcan High Command, the Romulans were impressed and seemingly confused by humans. A Romulan female 2. The Romulan Star Empire is an enemy nobody in the galaxy would dare take lightly, and the Tholians are powerful … However, other sources may have another name for a rank, in … Romulans are an offspring species of the Vulcans that emigrated to the planet Romulus ca. What benefits did Vulcans get from Humans in the beginning? The implication seems to be that Commodore Oh isn't a Vulcan. It only takes a minute to sign up. This results in the production of extremely dry and pellet-like waste products. (Star Trek Generations) Most Romulans have two brow ridges above the bridge of their nose, forming a V-shape on the forehead. The "Sargonites" interbred with some protovulcans, the "Othersiders" with others, starting a diverging genetic line developing different features and prone to a more marshal philosophy. So that doesn't invalidate the 400 CE date. Are they more different than human and chimps? Sci-fi book in which people can photosynthesize with their hair. For example, the foreheads are often different, and many diseases have different effects. In 1 John 4:18, does "because fear hath punishment" mean, "He who fears will be punished"? (VOY: "Death Wish"). Biologically, Vulcans and Romulans are the same race. In that episode it was discovered that Romulans actually have a high degree of compatability with Klingons, enough that a Klingon treatment worked for the Romulans where the Vulcan treatment failed. While they don't control their emotions with strict logic individually, they don't destroy themselves by means of a rigid, controlled society. Klingons vs. Romulans in post-Nemesis era war. orginally in tos you get the impression that Vulcans are greenish and Romulans are brownish making it even more confusing. For how long they have been apart? (I’ve seen mostly Vulcans in the episodes of Star Trek shows I’ve seen so far.) There was a schism, and the Romulans left. 2000 years ago. result, the canonicity of this piece of information has been debated can "has been smoking" be used in this situation? And it would be reasonable to assume Humans are less close to either race than they are to each other, therefore I'd think they should certainly be able to cross-breed Vulcan <> Romulan. The Romulans' rejection of artificial life is a new wrinkle, and a deeply important one. Do I have to stop other application processes before receiving an offer? Was the storming of the US Capitol orchestrated by Antifa and BLM Organisers? They are still the same, biologically, and can interbreed. The fan fiction series RIS Bouteina uses the Romulan names to refer to the ranks of their personnel. At least two different explanations are given in Trek novels—The Price of the Phoenix and Vulcan's Heart. The Romulans used to look just like their Vulcan cousins until they were given characteristic V-shaped forehead bones in TNG. Is there a reliable way to differentiate between a Vulcan and a Romulan? The Romulans are biological cousins of Vulcans, as they are descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. It does, however, explain her somewhat However, it is much more versatile. Culturally, they have both developed on very different paths. Hover, the two assistants in Picard’s home are definitely Romulan and not Vulcan, as confirmed by the executive producers. They are subtle, but enough to prevent Crusher from treating Patahk successfully with a technique that works on Vulcans. We are continuing our Before The Federation series with 'Before the Federation : Romulans in the Shadows . ' Also, when the Eldar start attacking Vulcan, the UFP will get pissy and defend them.-STS Perhaps as punishment for the aggressive Vulcans' treatment of the Romulans, the Roman Gods relocated the Vulcans to a harsh, arid world and allowed the Romulans to remain. Dillkid. After this, the "Vulcans" decided that emotions were responsible for the rift, and they would no longer allow themselves to experience emotions. It is unclear when exactly this war happened. Romulans count Vulcans as their ancestors, and look it. It is reasonable to assume they are as strong as Vulcans, I think, so they must be 3 times as strong as a human. The Star Trek: Discovery episode "Unification III" reveals that after the It would stand to reason the genetic similarities amongst these species would be greater than species from outside of this population. The Romulan-Vulcan War was a conflict between the Romulans and Vulcans which started sometime before the 21st century and lasted a hundred years. The conflict between Vulcans and Humans in Enterprise is ultimately due to their vastly different lifespans. ), (As pointed out in another answer, Spock is the product of a human/vulcan relationship and if that's possible, it's logical [sorry - couldn't resist!] When I first saw them, I was confused and thought they were Vulcans, but then Laris smiled a tiny bit and they both joked, so I wasn’t sure if they Vulcans, half human like Spock, or some other alien species that is similar. Josepha Sherman and Susan M. Schwartz's Vulcan's Heart (1999) involved Spock traveling to Romulus to aid the Romulan Commander from "The Enterprise Incident". Romulans are extremely talented at subterfuge, making their use of cloaking devices unparalleled and their damage bonus from decloaking higher than that of other species. While the two species split off only 2000 years ago "as of the TNG era", they have many genetic differences. Romulans have several differences from Vulcans. So one would expect that male hybrids among the STU humanoids would be less common than female (due to fetal and early deaths), and likely infertile. Its never fully adressed and the addition of the green and brow ridged Romulans and the taper off of all the green skin on vulcans just complicates things. The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus. Did "Antifa in Portland" issue an "anonymous tip" in Nov that John E. Sullivan be “locked out” of their circles because he is "agent provocateur"? The Romulans are a proud warrior nation, inspired by great deeds to act quickly and decisively. This ties into that conspiracy we mentioned. Romulans had pointed ears, eyebrows that were arched and up-swept, and copper-based blood that appeared green when oxygenated in the arteries, or copper or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins. Biologically, Vulcans and Romulans are the same race. to suggest that inter-breeding between two much more closely related species is possible. The separation of Romulans was, if memory served, caused by those who didn't want to follow the teachings of Surak deciding to leave Vulcan, eventually arriving on Romulus (and Remus). (Or didn't you know, as a general rule hot people only date hot people). Romulans have several differences from Vulcans. The Earth-Romulan conflict started, ironically, with an incident involving a Vulcan survey ship in orbit of the Romulan homeworld in 2143. Well, yeah. Vulcan Ahn'woon. The action of this membrane is totally instinctive rather than voluntary. "I would rather die than pollute my body with Klingon filth!". Sharing research-related codes and datasets: Split them, or share them together on a single platform? They never demonstrated superior strength in any series, and even seemed equal to humans, DESPITE their Vulcan lineage. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. According to the novels and comics, Saavik was born on Hellguard, an Dillkid. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Earth-Romulan War (mirror). In 2372, Q referenced this event to Kathryn Janeway, describing it as a "self destructive stunt" that demonstrated Quinn's harm to others. Why are Remans telepathic when Romulans are not? How different biologically are Remans, Romulans, and Vulcans? Aeolusdallas said: Also the Romulans left Vulcan during the time of Surak. What does a military peace treaty entail? Klingons 11 vote(s) 61.1% Romulans 7 vote(s) 38.9% jmampilly Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt. The Vulcans were once an extremely violent and emotional people, waging almost constant warfare on each other. Enterprise takes place in the 2150s. After this, the "Vulcans" decided that emotions were responsible for the rift, and they would no longer allow themselves to experience emotions. Why doesn't the fan work when the LED is connected in series with it? The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, as they were descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening.The Romulan Star Empire was the Romulan state … Vulcans and Romulans both come from Vulcan. Even all of the few 22nd century Romulans on Star Trek Enterprise had this feature. 8 Romulans: The Anti-Vulcans. His events created a misunderstanding between the Romulans and Vulcans. Romulans are notable for using a word that translates into English as Commander to mean captain. Gambit indicates that 2000 year old ruins on Baradas III were built by the Debrune, who were a Romulan offshoot. Please take a look at the. Thanks for the clarification. The Romulans Began on Vulcan The accepted wisdom is that the Romulans began as a sect of Vulcans who rejected the logic based teachings of Surak in the 4th century and departed Vulcan to begin their own civilization on the twin planets of Romulus and Remus. for more than two decades. However a minority of Romulans, particularly those in the 23rd century, lack these ridges; making them outwardly indistinguishable from Vulcans. Upon capture in the "past" (2258) by the Romulan Nero, it was used as a planet-destroying doomsday weapon in conjunction with a plasma drill which bored a hole almost to the core … However a minority of Romulans lack the ridges, making them outwardly indistinguishable from Vulcans. The incident which sparked the war was inadvertently caused by Quinn, who was trying to commit suicide. The Romulan heart was also gray in color, and they had a much faster heart rate than humans, at an average rate of 2… But, the ship that's the star of this episode is easily the retro Romulan Bird-of-Prey, stolen by Jax and Rutherford, and later flown by Tendi and Ransom into Romulan space. This is Star Trek. (TOS novel: Sarek) In 2266, the Empire emerged from its cocoon, testing the stre… They became known as the Freelans who masqueraded as a separate neutral race by hiding their appearance under heavy robes and limited contact with outsiders. She is half Vulcan and half Romulan. Can I bring a single shot of live ammunition onto the plane from US to UK as a souvenir? What was the name of this horror/science fiction story involving orcas/killer whales? Introducing Television/Cellphone tech to lower tech society. Are there any stars that orbit perpendicular to the Milky Way's galactic plane? Dillon; Senior Member ... assimilate Earth, Vulcan, Andor, the Klingon Empire... they would probably think they can outsmart the Borg in one way or another before they come for them. why do these two Meijer G functions not cancel each other? In The Way of D'era, the Romulan-Vulcan War took place from the Earth year 1270 to 1370 after the wormhole which had brought them to Romulus reappeared and then collapsed after a hundred years, thereby putting an end to the conflict. Spock met underground Romulans intent on brokering a peace before Jean-Luc Picard and his crew discovered it was all part of an elaborate plot by the Romulans to conquer Vulcan. On top of that, the star that Romulus orbits underwent a supernova, so it's a pretty safe bet that prior to that incident, it churned out an above-average amount of radiation for a long time, which means a higher mutation rate. @Jeff I look forward to seeing that race. The Romulans separated from the Vulcans during the Time of Awakening (4th century AD, Terran Calendar). by Bernd Schneider and Jörg Hillebrand. 8 Romulans: The Anti-Vulcans. Ah, so Romulans are the more passionate ones who rejected Surak’s teachings. Romulans are a humanoid species from the planet Romulus. There was a schism, and the Romulans left. What are the chances that radiation caused any sort of beneficial mutation? The Romulans also fired upon and destroyed a Vulcan research station, but the Vulcans still refused to enter the war. They still shared the same pointed earns and copper based blood that appeared green when oxygenated, but by the 24th century there was enough differences that Vulcans were no lon… In "The Chase" we learn that many of the Alpha Quadrant species are related to a proto-humanoid species that seeded various planets with genetic material. The Earth-Romulan War, also known as the Romulan War, Romulan Wars, Earth-Romulus War, was a major interstellar conflict fought during the mid-22nd century (2155-2160) between forces led by United Earth and those of the Romulan Star Empire. A latter bid by the Romulans was made for peace after teaming up with Starfleet in Star Trek: Nemesis to battle the villainous Shinzon who had staged a violent coup and attempted to attack Earth in a new advanced … The Romulan Star Empire was the Romulan state and one of the major powers known in the galaxy. Eventually, however, those who opposed logic left Vulcan and founded colonies elsewhere - most notably on the planet Romulus, where they founded what eventually became the Romulan Star Empire. This culminated in the more violent tribes breaking away from Vulcan during The Time of the Awakening and ultimately founding Roumuls. Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by jmampilly, Dec 8, 2013. ? This is expanded on in the Next Generation TV series, where it has become accepted as fact that Romulans are a branch of the Vulcan race. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. They left Vulcan and found the twin planets of Romulus and Remus; founding the Romulan Star Empire. Around 370 AD, the philosopher Surakled his people in a great reformation to reject their emotions in favor of a philosophy that embraced pure logic. As Starfleet would learn, the Romulans were Vulcans who rejected Surak's teachings of peace that led to the Time of Awakening and colonized their own planet. The Evolution of the Romulans. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. The only plausible explanation for a significant biological difference, is if there was genetic engineering occurring. Ah, yes, Laris and Zhaban, that’s their names. While under normal conditions, they would be near identical, the Romulans were founded by only a limited offshoot population of the Vulcans. ... but the design was finished too late to prevent Romulus' destruction. And if you’ve been reading up on the lore ahead of Picard ’s premiere next January, you will have also heard of the Remans, who featured heavily in the plotline for Star Trek Nemesis . Like Vulcans, Romulans have pointed ears, eyebrows that are arched and upswept, and copper-based blood that is green when oxygenated in the arteries and is copper or rust colored when deoxygenated in the veins. Similarly, Vulcans were generally encountered where one would expect to find a Vulcan (Federation or Vulcan starships, bases etc.) Why does my halogen T-4 desk lamp not light up the bulb completely? January 2021 Topic Challenge: Isaac Asimov. Based on this, I'd say that very few new members were added to the genetic pool. Over the centuries the Romulans became a distinct subspecies to the Vulcans, with there being a number of differences between them and their baseline Vulcan cousins. Beyond that, there would be behavioral cues. 1. Due to their shared ancestry, Vulcans and Romulans possessed very similar physiology, including varied skin color. Adding to the above, our present understanding of biology includes "Haldane's Rule", which says roughly that for species with sex chromosomes, the gender with the "odd" (in practice, truncated) chromosome is the one that gets hammered worse in interspecies crossbreeds: Less chance for survival (before and/or after birth), and infertility. However, Star Trek 2009, Nero picks Kirk up like a rag doll, with one hand. The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, as they were descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. rev 2021.1.15.38327, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In the beginning, the Vulcans as a people were violent and emotional. In contrast, the Vulcans are a cogitating nation, who admire great thoughts and science above all else. Later episodes of Enterprise mention medical advancements being made allowing interspecies breeding. Vulcan demeanor in later appearances. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Spock being part Vulcan is immediately biased to view Romulans as passionate and violent in comparison to Vulcan's. Whilst her history was never fleshed out canonically, Saavik was described to be half vulcan, half romulan, confirming that inter-breeding is possible. In Vulcan terms, it's around half of a normal adult lifespan. These "browless" Romulans appear to be confined to the 23rd century. The Borg Vs The Romulan Empire. A latter bid by the Romulans was made for peace after teaming up with Starfleet in Star Trek: Nemesis to battle the villainous Shinzon who had staged a violent coup and attempted to attack Earth in a new advanced … Culturally, they have both developed on very different paths. Why do some microcontrollers have numerous oscillators (and what are their functions)? Vulcans & Romulans: Ridged Brow vs. Flat Forehead 600,000 years in the past, Sargon's people were a peaceful race of telepaths exploring and colonizing their region of the galaxy. Edit: To answer your other question, they are likely more closely related than humans and chimps, though this can't be guaranteed (radically different environments are one of the biggest causes for rapid evolutionary change, though this may be mitigated by a heavily technological society). It has always been thought that the Romulan Star Empire was a radical offshoot of Vulcan civilization, a minority of Vulcans that denied the philosophy of Surak. The Romulan-Vulcan War was a conflict between the Romulans and Vulcans which started sometime before the 21st century and lasted a hundred years. What would drive such a technologically advanced race to reject artificial life in all its forms? To understand, we have to take a look at the early history of the Romulans. In actuality, the events that led to the formation of these two separate societies were quite different. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Many Romulans have ridges above their eyes, for example, and Vulcans do not. Most Romulans have two brow ridges above the bridge of their nose, forming a V-shape on the forehead. (A line Captain's Blood (2003), one of many collaborative works between Star Trek lead William Shatner and husband-and-wife team Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens , focused on the involvement of Kirk in preventing a Romulan civil war in the … Therefore, Romulans would share a greater family resemblance with Vulcans, but it would not be overly bizarre to have crossbreeding between any of these species. emotional behavior in that film, though she adopted a more proper Romulans have very acute night vision but somewhat decreased vision in extremely bright lig… In fact, they're more "tribes" than species.). After "Balance of Terror", the majority of Romulans encountered were part of the Romulan Military (on board Romulan ships, wearing Romulan uniforms etc). If the Debrune separated from the Romulans within a generation of the Time of Awakening, that would give time for their initial structures to be 'around 2000 years old', given that the approximations for 2+ millennia tend to be rounded by decades. @M.A.Golding - Star Trek takes place around 2260 (at the earliest). Like Vulcans, Romulans have pointed ears, eyebrows that are arched and upswept, and copper-based blood that is green when oxygenated in the arteries, or copper or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins. Star Trek 101: A Practical Guide to Who, What, Where and Why is available in Kindle and … Is the nature of the Vulcan/Romulan divide biological or political? So we have an extremely isolated population with an increased mutation rate, so it's a safe bet that evolution would be slightly accelerated in this case. Since Quinn was imprisoned for three hundred years before 2372, presumably the war would have begun no later than the, In the first draft script of "Death Wish", the war was said to have been waged between the Romulans and the. These species included the Romulans, Klingons, Humans, Kardassians and we can assume others (Vulcans). The Klingon Empire and the Romulan Empire are two of the three major Alpha/Beta Quadrant … Well, as to the breeding question, it has been established that both Vulcans and Romulans can cross-breed with humans (Spock is the product of Human/Vulcan and Tasha Yar had a daughter by a Romulan). By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. As Starfleet would learn, the Romulans were Vulcans who rejected Surak's teachings of peace that led to the Time of Awakening and colonized their own planet. Romulans: This is a weird one. Long ago, the Romulans were Vulcans who disagreed when the Vulcan leader Surak started preaching logic and self-control. As far as Kirk, he acted very out of character for that episode being irate and acting reprehensibly by single-handedly invading the neutral zone to try and steal a cloaking device. this would make romulans a little more then a racial group like almost if not a subspecies which would explain it. Spock theorises that the Romulans must be an offshoot of the Vulcan race. By Dillkid, November 2, 2011 in The Next Generation. During the early part of the century, the Romulans were involved in the abduction of numerous Vulcans which were part of an ongoing operation for the future. So Romulans are basically the Austrians of Vulcans? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. On the other hand, much of this could be handwaved by futuristic medicine. Joined: Jun 22, 2013 Location: United States of America. Romulan eyes are forward facing and stereoscopic, with a clear inner eyelid (or nictating membrane) that aids in filtering out harmful radiation. It was one of these missions, in fact, which contacted Earth in 2063. A group of dissenters, known as "those who march beneath the ra… How are Vulcans and Romulans different from each other? Vulcans and Romulans both come from Vulcan. Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! They settled on dozens of planets including Vulcan and Mintaka. The Romulan victory at Berengaria gave them a launching point to make further attacks into Alliance territory. Romulan vs. Reman We already know that Romulans will feature heavily in Star Trek: Picard , based on the current trailers. Kidneys. The science + Romulans might do some nifty things, since Federation science becomes available through the Vulcans. 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