I felt this was the appropriate model in my work with F1 as it placed F1 as the expert on her problem. SDD causes difficulty in perceiving symbols of the written language. I understand how difficult it was for her as she never had the opportunity to build any life skills because she had been institutionalised. With round-the-clock support and direct access to your expert, Learning Disability Reflective Essay you can access our online assignment writing service immediately, whenever you want. Dyslexia: Legislature Hold Back Funds Specific Developmental Dyslexia (SDD) is a learning disability that affects 5 to 20 percent of all children. The Human Rights Act (1998) emphasises the importance of upholding people’s rights, especially when they have the capacity to make financial decisions (PCF4). History of Learning Disabilities: Reflection on the Development of the Concept and Assessment . Title for essay on beauty short essay on jackal in hindi report essay pt3 2019, an essay concerning human understanding. Great leader short essay how to present a counter argument in an essay. After the incident the shift leader questioned me what had happened, and I explained. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Using this theory it enabled me to signpost F1 to relevant agencies which saw F1 getting support with her probation and social skills. Learning Disability Reflective Essay, 5 paragraph essay topics for college entrace, australia resume writing services, expository essay rubric middle school. Ana’s care plan had a multifactorial assessment and treatment plan intended to meet specific needs and some precautions that could help her to swallow more safely and manage her recurrent choking. Thompson (2008) highlights the importance of eliminating feelings of oppression that can be brought out by one’s position as a practitioner as one works with service-users. This relates to a risk as Ana has a swallowing problem and she a nasogastric tube. Fundamental facts. I am not going to lie – surgery is my calling and I would very much prefer cutting someone up rather than having a chat with them. You wouldn’t come across such a thesis statement on disability in higher institutions, but they are most applicable in middle school academic papers since they are short. How long is a 300 word essay, example essay my favourite teacher parrot essay writing in hindi, dances with wolves movie review essay descriptive essay person example 5 ways to quickly improve your academic essay writing skills. The case of Janet, an epileptic patient, is the focus of the assessment in this essay. F1 was discharged by tribunal. Then I documented it in the patient’s notes countersigned by my mentor highlighting the need to be careful in feeding Ana. Qualified & Easy Paper Online . Disability studies also propose capturing the bigger picture of inclusion. When speaking to the manager of the supported living placement, she informed me that this is quite a common response from service users who have transitioned from 24/7 support to living independently or supported living. l employed the systems theory which identifies that assessments are a crucial part of social work; it’s creating a working partnership with the service- user using a holistic approach by placing the service user at the heart of the assessment (Greene, 1991). Social Work The notebook analysis essay reflective disability essay Learning how to begin comparative essay? What is different about a reflective essay is that the essay is about you and your thinking. In carrying out my initial assessment with F1, I considered the Milner & O’Byrne (2009) model of how to approach an assessment. Among the learning disorders are listening, speaking, reading and writing, involving the main 4 skills that are required for a child to learn, basically, anything. Hardin, Dorothy E. and McNelis, Sally J. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. I feel that this is due to attachment issues; attachment theory (Bowlby,1958) recognises that most adults have a basic need to feel loved and wanted by another adult. These are administered via nasogastric tube (BNF,2017). I may perhaps ignored Ana and left but for her best wellbeing interest I thought Ana would not want to be left alone. Due to different agencies sharing information, I felt that F1 would benefit enormously if she was able to have a routine and a clear view of what’s going on with her life. Let’s now look at another style of thesis statement on academic writings that don’t involve listing, and they aren’t short. Secondly, Schon refers to reflection-in-action, i.e., reflecting on your actions as you are doing them, being mindful of issues such as best practice throughout the process. It appears they are triggered by a dysfunction of the central nervous system. I felt that this theory was appropriate as it enabled me to view F1’s behaviour relative to the relationship that exists between her and those around her. My mentor showed me Ana’s record of past choking incidents for the last year, and a care plan that was put in place. I am aware that sometimes the jargon social workers use can become part of the service user’s vocabulary(PCF1). My placement was in the statutory sector, the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA/DoLS) Team for a Local Authority. Reflection about the use of Covert medication in learning disability nursing Essay by flubalub , University, Bachelor's , May 2008 download word file , 5 pages download word file , 5 pages 3.7 3 votes This response was to reassure her that people around her still cared. F1 then lived at home with her mother and two younger siblings. F1’s would behave in a manner to set response from workers. Want us to write one just for you? The paper includes everything I need. The Department of Health’s (2015) guidance on DoLS argues that local authorities, care providers and psychiatric consultant in learning disabilities can make the verdict to make an application for DoLS or not. The reflective process has helped For example, in the adolescent stage, their identity is drawn from their family, interests, activities, their peers and aspirations for the future. My four weeks of placement in learning disability contributes evidence and a chance to get a concise understanding of different field of practice. According to Department of Health (2007), The importance of adult Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) referral is important because, people who use health and social care, carers, families, practitioners or organisations see risk in a different way and as part of the risk assessment, it is vital to recognise possible risks involved concerning patients’ care and a person-centred care plan should be considered. Educational Leadership, February 1996 v53 n5 p41 (3). University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Any incidents should be reported and escalated with the team. She started to be mean when I got a question wrong in history. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Disability is one of the most important issues in the contemporary society because stigmatization of people with disabilities contributed to the formation of biases and prejudices which put them into the disadvantageous position compared to people, who did not have problems of disability. I worked with service users who had learning disabilities and the elderly. I begin the interview by introduced myself, and explaining the purpose of the interview, I informed the narrator that this interview will be recorded, transcribed and both the disability and interview experience will be presented in the class. Educating young children with disabilities using responsible inclusion. This GradesFixer. It is working in an anti-oppressive practice and respect her decisions as ultimately it is about her wishes and feelings. Narrowing the breach: can disability culture and full educational inclusion be reconciled? I considered my values and l respected this instead rescheduled and arranged on the days she was available. 2001. Dyslexia: Legislature Hold Back Funds Specific Developmental Dyslexia (SDD) is a learning disability that affects 5 to 20 percent of all children. Reflective essays are academic essays; what makes an essay “good” will work for a reflective essay. I was able to help her differentiate between friendship and the help she receives from support staff. However, you will need evidence from your course to back up your reflections. I was able to use strength-based social work as the main method of my work with F1. Living with Disability 1645 Words | 7 Pages. 2004. GradesFixer.com uses cookies. Essay, The Influence Of Privatization On Education In Either Scotland Or England Essay. It was also important that I did not impose upon her my views, i.e., that I felt she is being irresponsible with her money; my role was to support her and advise her and not try an influence her in how she chose to spend her money. They do not appear to appreciate that this is all new to her. Generally, the term reflection is referred to as learning from experience as a personal reflection of a nurse.It is a vital approach for professionals who clinch ever-lasting learning. But I strongly felt that rather more serious was happening and I required help. The model identifies five stages of an assessment, namely; preparing for the task; gathering data, applying professional knowledge; making judgements and deciding what is to be done. She has a nasogastric tube in place because she is unable to swallow due to her disease. I feel this applies to F1 as when her key support worker was on leave it heightens her sense that she is not loved and wanted. Here are a few helpful suggestions in order to write a critical reflective essay on learning disabilities: Consider everyone normal: First of all you need to understand that these people with disabilities look like they are abnormal, but in actual, they are more like the children of nowadays. Essay cause and effect internet. I felt that there were a lot of expectations for ‘F1’. Essay on honesty the best ornament of man: 5 10 years from now essay on Reflective essay learning disability. Instead of relying on the carer to feed Ana who did seem not care and had limited knowledge of what was happening in Ana’s response to choking by coughing. She found the transition from living with 24/7 support from care staff to independence quite challenging. People with disabilities essay. Having trouble finding the perfect essay? 2019 Aug 27 [cited 2021 Jan 12]. Keywords: Collaboration, lecturers, learning, learning disability, role modelling, simulation Introduction My reflective account focuses on the insights I have developed regarding simulated learning when used in collaboration with service users with a learning disability. reflective essay on learning disability Imagine this coming from pakistan by a pakistani soldier or an arab soldier or a you have written a whole essay on american soldier hitting a sheep but you. You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. However, this is a population that cannot be ignored or slighted medically just because they present with special needs (DOH 2001) Other learning disabilities include inability to see and hear. Molly, who is Catherine’s older sister, talked about what it was like growing up together … In a presentation about parents and families of students with disabilities, the Riley family came up and shared their experiences about living with Catherine, a woman who has Down syndrome. Taking this into consideration l would contact F1 before a meeting to agree on the venue, day and time. Learning Disabilities Reflection Essay. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Winter 2002 v13 i3 p144 (9). Markovna et al. By means of reflection as part of an action plan to give an impact for my upcoming practice has assisted me to obtain and to analyse my personal nursing skills. At the time of the incident, it was only my third day on the learning disability placement. Before coming into Learning Disability nursing I thought I had an idea of what my course would entail as my mother is a Registered Learning Disability Nurse and has been for over 30 years now. A reflective essay is a written piece of literature that focuses on presenting and narrating a person’s experience and how it becomes an instrument towards a change of perception in life. I then realised that it was inappropriate to use this model with F1 as it does not analyse and gather information to understand her needs. The reflective essay on learning disability Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle will be used as this is a popular model of reflection. Reflections on my Learning Disability Experience I never thought that I would be able to enjoy my psychiatry posting in medical school as much as I eventually did. Reflective essays are academic essays; what makes an essay “good” will work for a reflective essay. *You can also browse our support articles here >, https://www.scie.org.uk/mca/introduction/mental-capacity-act-2005-at-a-glance. In September 2015, I started my first Co-operative Education experience at the Mediated Learning Academy (MLA) as a Special Education Assistant (SEA). During my supervision sessions with my practice educator, we discussed the models of assessments I should consider in my work with F1. She is on regular pain relief like ibuprofen liquid, which makes her nauseous and Carbamazepine, anticonvulsant drug which has a side effects of sleepiness, fatigue. Dysphagia can result in choking and may lead to death. This reflective framework comprises of six stages which are: Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, conclusion and Action plan. Reflective Essay The aim of this essay is to prove an understanding of my perception of reflection and how reflective practice impacts on the clinical environment and the learning process. I have discussed the high risk; vulnerable people are both to themselves and others due to their unsafe behaviour. Before coming into Learning Disability nursing I thought I had an idea of what my course would entail as my mother is a Registered Learning Disability Nurse and has been for over 30 years now. Learning Disabilities Eleven-year-old Anna is outgoing and bright. Referrals to the MCA/DoLS team came from hospitals, care homes, supported living settings and occasionally other independent organisations. Nice prices, excellence of writing Learning Disability Reflective Essay … Schon enforced 2 types of reflective practice. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the code of practice provided the statutory guideline on how specific decisions would be made. Strength-based social work is described as a collaborative process between the social worker and the service user, working together to draw out the strengths and asserts that a person has to achieve an outcome (SCIE, 2019). We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. F1 would make unwise decisions with respect to her finances. The purpose of this reflective essay is to reflect on learning disabilities, focusing on mental health and psychological well-being. Introduction: In this reflective account essay, I will be describing nursing skills that I undertook during my practice placement, using Driscoll’s (2000) reflective cycle, a recognised framework for reflection to demonstrate my ability to reflect on different nursing skill.According to Driscoll’s (2000), there are three processes when reflecting on one’s practice. I ensured that I did not impose anything when F1 was not available certain days and time. Disability is an topic that has produced conflict, and is viewed very differently from either side. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? To conclude, this reflection has described the difficulty in dealing with individuals who has learning difficulties. F1 also threatens to harm herself by standing or laying down naked in the road though always moves away from approaching cars. I was able to support her by signposting to a woman’s group where she is supported to learn to develop her social skills as sometimes staff are not always available to go to certain places with her. While I avoided labelling, I was conscious that she needed to be taught and realise that her comments could be inappropriate. At the age of 16, F1 lived in a specialist residential provision for people with a learning disability and autism. F1 was placed on Section Two of the Mental Health Act (2007) meaning that she needed an assessment for a mental health disorder. I became involved with F1 as it was recognised that she needed additional support to reduce these potentially harmful behaviours. The systems theory enabled me to analyse the current level of support services in F1’s life. When working with F1 there have been some challenges. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. 18th May 2020 Social Work Reference this I was reminded of my social work values which were not to be judgmental and to accept that not all the advice or support that I might offer, will be acceptable to a service user (PCF2). This experience was good because I have learned from this incident, as it has taught me the importance of acting quickly for any emergency situation, in order to protect patients’ safety. I was reminded of Trevithick (2007) who highlights that advocacy attempts to make the voices and interests of the service-users heard. Educational Leadership, February 1996 v53 n5 p41 (3). However, you will need evidence from your course to back up your reflections. Reference this. I stayed with Ana and the carer who fed Ana went to another patient. It requires an individual to reflect on what could have been done differently, also looking at the strengths from that session (Schon, 2002). Thereafter the shift leader asked the carer who fed Ana to fill out an incident report. What is different about a reflective essay is that the essay is about you and your thinking. When in crisis, F1 can be verbally abusive, violent towards members of staff and make racist comments. Reflective Essay on Communication - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than 65000 college essays for studying 】 ... Learning disabilities nurses care for people who may not be able to express their needs; therefore it is especially important for nurses to refine their communication skills. Even though they have been dilemma’s with F1; I feel that my work was effective as I was able to help F1 develop her social skills by supporting her to join a women’s group. Because reflective essays are based upon your own experiences, you should write from a first person narrative and provide plenty of descriptive content. I have been able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills and statement for social workers in adult services; particularly statement eight as supervision has been a crucial part of my training and development. I first considered using the model approach to assessment which sees the social worker as the expert following a format of questions, listening and then processing the answer. For me having an insight into learning disability has provided me with awareness to the causes and the … I was able to support and encourage F1 to participate in activities by helping her get a ‘buddy’ also getting F1 extra hours with the staff in her care plan. A reflection on Anti-Discriminatory Practice in nursing using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model Introduction. This reflection has empowered me to look for what I did in the incident’ and validate my actions to determine if I competently be able to manage incidents and what influenced me to respond in the way that I did. However, this is a population that cannot be ignored or slighted medically just because they present with special needs (DOH 2001). SDD causes difficulty in perceiving symbols of the written language. I realised that Ana was choking, and the team leader quickly gave Ana a flush through the enteral route. Abstract-The history of the concept and identification of Learning Disabilities (LD) has important stages of development which should be considered by the researchers of this field. I am aware that F1 was never given the chance to build her identity through the life stages. then they put hers right next to mine. The essay is based on my practice and training in the cardiac ward during my Foundation degree in Health and Social Care. Learning disabilities is caused by the way our brain develops. The structure of this type of paper on learning disabilities is the same as most- it should … The potential of reflective practice to develop individual orthopaedic nurse practitioner and their practice. Essay on doordarshan in hindi for class 3. Order now. Attention! If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. Ebony Velazquez | Chicago. Research paper on concentration of media ownership academic text research paper example, examples of case study outlines, a case study of strategic product design. Get the structure right! I found Schon’s theory of reflection (Schon, 2002) the most useful model to reflect on my practice (PCF8). So, if you: Why Choose Us. Text our world-class forum to benefit from the vast experience of several top-tier essay tutors. I felt guilty that Ana was carelessly fed by the carer and I should have recognised more quickly the signs of choking. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The downfall of this experience is that, the staff did not seem to follow the assessment done by the Speech and Language Therapy Team by giving extra care to Ana when feeding. Confidentiality will be maintained over this reflection by not stating actual names of any person or organisation (NMC,2015). The Human Rights Act (1998) and The Equality Act (2010) reminded me that all work should be done in an anti-oppressive and anti-discrimination manner (Brammer, 2007). Current research on people with a learning disability and the transition process from leaving in a care home to supported living placement helped me to understand F1’s behaviour better(PCF9). Are you interested in getting a customized paper? The shift leader was very supportive and explained to me that incidents happen at any time and she thanked me for staying and giving reassurance to Ana. Dissertation college sports essay in past tense Reflective essay disability on learning how to right a 3 paragraph essay art history dissertation proposal example. Hardin, Dorothy E. and McNelis, Sally J. The capabilities statement for working with adults with learning disabilities encourages social workers to respect and follow individuals expressed wishes, feelings and choices also previously expressed wishes where they do not have capacity to make a decision (BASW 2019) (PCF3). Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. For this essay, my focus was mostly reflection-on-action. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2004) highlighted choking as a significant health risk for people with learning disabilities. Once you understand these, it is useful to form reflective questions to gather the information you need for this assignment. reflective essay Reflective Essay The aim of this essay is to prove an understanding of my perception of reflection and how reflective practice impacts on the clinical environment and the learning process The essay is based on my practice and training in the cardiac ward during my Foundation degree in Health and Social Care. I endeavoured to meet F1’s needs by working in partnership with other professionals (PCF8). 18th May 2020 In conclusion, the importance of critical and reflective practice is difficult to measure and often under-estimated, yet it is crucial to …. By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy. Reflective essay learning disability. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Reflective essay on learning disability Short essay on kabaddi match. I have gained basic knowledge through this experience and have learned about policies and procedures, such as DoLS in place to protect the vulnerable adults and lessen the risk executed by them, and also recognise about the local and national rules obtainable online for entire staff to access for similar incident management as well. In my future nursing practice, I will use this experience to deliver the best care for my patients, by ensuring that I am more aware about the signs and symptoms for patients who need urgent care. I was reminded by Trevithick (2012) who points out the importance of preparations before an assessment. Public awareness campaign meri shakti meri beti we wanted to end the program with a round of slogans like ‘beta beti ek saman, ishwar. The resource center: hub of inclusive activities. Learning Disability Reflective Essay, is 14 a good sat essay score, purchase research paper already written, must essays have a clear paragraph strucutre Specific learning difficulties (eg dyslexia, dyspraxia) 19 Mental health difficulties 12 Hearing impairment 10 Mobility impairment 8 Visual impairment 5 Autistic spectrum disorder such as Asperger’s Syndrome 2 Other (mostly physical ranging from injuries to arthritis; one case of chronic depression and one who has a … This is something I have tried getting the support staff to understand as recently she would want to participate in activities such as bowling but didn’t have anyone to go with her. There are circles within circles from disabilities learning thesis this perspective. In this essay I will reflect on my experiences gained during my placement with reference to a specific case study. Although research focuses on young people, adults with learning disabilities also face similar barriers (Choices Advocacy, 2019). Waste management essay 2 contestim chanboracheat – free download as pdf file as we practice the 3r strategy, we will become good. At F1’s review meeting it was acknowledged that since F1’s started engaging in activities there has been a noticeable change in her behaviour. This reflective essay on compassionate-care is dedicated to my personal experience while serving in the health care ward. Firstly, reflection-on-action, which relates to experience gained or action already undertaken. Instead of asking the team leader to give Ana a drink to give via the tube, the carer just shouted at Ana to swallow and to stop coughing. Knowing this, we use only the best and the most reliable sources. For instance, support staff spoke about how she did not engage with activities or make new friends. We are asked to revise your research venue; in the sentence and are statistically significant. Available from: https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/learning-disability-experience/, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. This essay has been submitted by a student. Ellis (2013) stated that the main purpose for reflecting on previous experiences is to develop future practice when working with people with several needs. Therefore reflecting on this approach, l felt if l holistically understood F1 by adopting the systems theory l would be in a better position to help her with her problems. She is a year behind her peers, particularly in her English class and her teachers have slowly begun to reduce their expectations of her. Using the five principles of the MCA, I am aware that just because F1 makes unwise decisions does not mean she lacks capacity (PCF4). Furthermore, they mentioned every handover what happened to Ana and how they can avoid, her from choking. Essays from bookrags provide great ideas for unemployment essays and paper topics like economic and social problems created by. I will keep all the knowledge I have gained during my placement such as safeguarding adults, risk assessment and management, on how to manage incidents, the importance of communication, record keeping and team working (Barnes and Jenkins, 2015). Though ‘F1’ does get support, for her it is quite disempowering and concerning that she never got the chance to go through the life stages that I did, for example, going to school and college. Introduction. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. My understanding of this research helped me to have insight into F1’s situation as a care leaver and that enhanced the planning and intervention process. I went and reassured Ana and offered myself to feed Ana and informed the Team leader that Ana was coughing badly. She attempts to work hard, but her progress in school has always been slow. Reflective essay on learning disability >>> click to order essay The crucible essays on john proctor and elizabeth At ang urood tijaarah ay ang pangkaraniwang kayamanan kaya’t nararapat lamang na ito sa kahulugan ng kayamanan na nabanggit sa mga talata ng qur’an. With this, I recognised the Erikson (1950) stages of human development which state there are eight stages of man and he described each stage as a struggle between emotional opposites. Badiou ethics an essay on the understanding of evil short essay on my country, essay wale video essay on hockey for class 2 essay format argumentative, compare and contrast essay topics medical. The Mental Capacity Act (2005) also guided my assessment and intervention with F1. In conclusion, placement allowed me to learn to promote people’s rights with knowledge of the Human Rights Act (1998). (1996). A reflective essay is a written piece of literature that focuses on presenting and narrating a person’s experience and how it becomes an instrument towards a change of perception in life. A reflection on Anti-Discriminatory Practice in nursing using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model Introduction. The resource center: hub of inclusive activities. The key to your reflective essay is understanding the principles and theories of your unit. Working as a learning disability nurse, poses a career fraught with many interesting and often frustrating challenges. Office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ inclusion... War ii essay, what is different about a reflective essay on learning disability short essay to... A trigger for response an incident arises Leadership, February 1996 v53 n5 p41 ( 3 ) as it recognised! Was happening and i should have recognised more quickly the signs of choking are triggered by a dysfunction the. 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