This course highlights the process of arriving at your own conclusions and recommendations, rewarding those that marshal evidence in the case analysis and apply careful thinking to shared problems. course grading. Special attention is given to critical success factors required to overcome resistance to change. relates to a current project management trend or issue. Align critical resources for effective project implementation. This session will spotlight critical considerations in selecting which projects to invest in and launch. Class attendance (expected) and participation in discussions are important parts of your learning. Please bring them on a memory stick so they may be loaded prior to the start of class on Wed, 1/20. Welcome to MMIS 621: Information Systems Project Management! Project Management: The Managerial Process The solution should be sound and capable of implementation. Students learn how IS healthcare projects affect organizations, doctors, patients, and chronic-illness treatments, as well as individuals interested in managing their own healthcare. ASB Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes 1. Divide the project into tasks All of the pr… Describe how information systems … Go above and beyond the call of duty in participation. Syllabus TMGT 458 – Project Management Spring, 2018 Perry Moler 1/15 rev. The quality of your contributions is more important than quantity. Try to wait to raise your hand until someone has finished talking. Course Number and Title: MIS 220 Management Information Systems. We will discuss some traditional and innovative ways of thinking about project management to gain a broad perspective on the field. In the diagnosis, it is critical to distinguish between the symptoms (case facts) of a problem and the actual problem (causes). Understand the implications, challenges, and opportunities of organizational dynamics in project management. From book:Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations: Managing Successful Projects. Its success depends heavily on student preparation and active participation in class discussions. During our first class on 1/4 small group assignments will be outlined and due on 1/14. “Cisco Systems, Inc.: Implementing ERP.” We will use this case for class discussion. + D.B.A. (Information Science and Engineering) B.E. 2015_ONLINE_Summer_MMIS621_Syllabus_Snyder, MMIS621_A4_Assignment_Details - Final Project, 6.PMP - ADDITIONAL FULL QUESTION BANK.pdf, IPM- Assignment 2- PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN.pdf, College of Coastal Georgia • PROJECT MA PM4020, MMIS621_Public_Good_Technology_Project_Assignment_Details_Summer2020.docx, 133985-syllabus-mmis665-is-strat-winter-17-tc201730-ol1-crn32418-jan-9-17-may-7-17, MMIS654_Summer_2016_Syllabus_Clarke copy.docx. Appreciate the opinions and values of your classmates. Teams will meet to write a one-page contract/terms of engagement paper that all members can agree to abide by for assignment #4. Assignment #1 is a team contract. After you purchase the downloaded course pack, you may print the materials. Sr. No. In this spirit, we ask that class members speak only when called upon. + M.B.A. (Information Technology) B.I.T. Course Contents . Although time is shorter in summer terms, the contents and requirements of this class are NOT “shorter” than the ones in spring or fall semester. The tutorials are anonymous open-learning tools. Phase V: “Close”PAMS Process for Project Management. We will review causes of project failure and how to mitigate risks through proper planning in the early phases of a new initiative. Steven Lefkowitz – Senior Project Specialist, Partners HealthCareSteven was trained in accounting and computer sciences but found his interest to be in process improvement and project management. Janette M. Raab – Corporate Manager, Partners HealthCareJanette has 20 years of healthcare IT experience in project management, business analysis, and system support. 2 . Steve was part of the Epic implementation and is currently working on an enterprise migration to cloud-based productivity tools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014. Not knowing the rules, misunderstanding the rules, running out of time, submitting the wrong draft, or being overwhelmed with multiple demands are not acceptable excuses. Students must plan travel so that they are in Cambridge on this day. Course Description: This course is designed to instruct the student in the essential concepts of Project management as it applies to Computer Science (IT) Projects as well as business Projects in general. Managing the changes in organizations resulting … A case is a comprehensive exposition of a real managerial situation describing a set of problems and requiring a plan of action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014, pages 1-39. This course will introduce project management topics such as resources, costs, time constraints and project scopes. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS COURSES Student Learning Outcomes1 MIS 180: Principles of Information Systems At the end of this course students should be able to: 1. After the Project and Portfolio Management Review Board approves the Project Charter in Phase II, we enter Phase III, the “Develop” stage. Finally, address your comments to the entire class, not just to the instructor. Pages 139-144. of Info. INFORMATION SYSTEMS in CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS MANAGEMENT CRS 22388 – YAB 618E 2005-2006 SYLLABUS Credit/Hours : 3 (3,0) Prerequisite : None C/E : Elective Day & Hours : Wednesday, 14:00-17:00 Class : BIM-4 Instructor : Prof.Dr. 10. Each student must be thoroughly familiar with the details of the case and be ready to share his/her views with the class. Three assignments are completed in groups. Students will then give a 5-minute oral summary of this problem and their suggested solution in class. You may be called upon to open a case by presenting your analysis and recommendations at the start of class or to be asked for a comment in the midst of the discussion. Willingly and unselfishly share your ideas, experiences, and opinions to the class. A successful track record in retirement plan record-keeping and institutional financial project management provided the platform for him to assist in maturing standard practices and process at Partners HealthCare. English What you'll learn. This presentation should be completed using PowerPoint. The real discussion of a case takes place in class. Knowledge : Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in … Course content includes planning, scheduling, organizing, and implementing projects and exploring current trends and. The course pack includes most published materials you will need to purchase, such as cases and articles. We will examine the fourth phase of the PAMS process: “Implement”. structure, course policies or anything else. The syllabus also lists a few additional materials that may be accessed online for free. Print Syllabus. The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics of Information System Project Management (English Version) Project Management, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) , IT Project Rating: 4.1 out of 5 4.1 (191 ratings) 6,521 students Created by Bina Nusantara University, BINUS Online Learning, Greater Nusantara, Idha Kristiana. Each student will identify a challenge encountered in projects that they would like to explore. The Case Method of LearningThe case method of learning requires that each person prepare for the case on his or her own. Information Systems Project Management IFSM 438 | 3 Credits. ISBN 978-1-118-09914-8Course Pack The course pack must be purchased through Harvard Business Publishing. Special attention will be given to Shore’s four domains of trust and to rebuilding trust where necessary. 4. This course guides students through fundamental project management concepts and behavioral skills needed to success-fully launch, lead, and realize benefits from projects in profit and nonprofit organizations. You should be able to refer to specific outside materials and/or case material to support your points. Reviews. Version 3.0 December 2016 Regulation Statement Added. There are no excuses for failure to uphold academic integrity. Alaattin KANOGLU 1. Overview of a … Project Management (PM) and the SDLC Come to classes regularly and on time, despite the New England weather. In-Class ContributionsYou are expected to be present for all classes, arrive on time, and submit all assignments on time. Syllabus for T.Y.B.Sc. You will learn key project management skills and strategies, and you will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge through assignments. This assignment is due on January 7, 2016 so teams can lay this groundwork prior to beginning the final assignment. Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity College of Engineering and Computing Carl DeSantis Building – Fourth Floor, Room 4056 3301 College … During this stage, the team plans project implementation, composing formal plans to address work breakdown structure (WBS), schedule, budget, quality, risk management, and key performance metrics. Please come fully prepared and ready to participate for every class. Further details on the assignments will be discussed in class. Faculty: David A. We expect all students to arrive in class ready to discuss the readings due that day and to deliver assignments on time, with proper citation using APA citation style: Students will be assessed through individual assignments and group assignments as indicated below. This will override registry on DND/ NDNC. Office hours: 1:30-2:00pm on days when the class meets with the faculty member who is teaching on that day.Faculty are also available via email throughout the course. From course pack (final group projects will be based on these cases): Phase II: The Start-Up Process. Strategic Excellence in Project ManagementProject Activation Management System (PAMS) Process for Project Management, Overview and Phase I: Seed / Accelerating New Initiatives from Ideas to Implementation. The course may be taken for credit at the Harvard Extension School, but does not offer credits towards outside certification.2. Due: Assignment #4: All presentations due. Groups must ensure that each team member plays an active role. We will study the final phase of the PAMS process. We will also review administrative details about the course. B.B.A. (Information Technology) B.E. Database Management System: 3: MGT 211 Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: 3: CMP 265 Internet Technology (Web Programming) 3: PRJ 291 Minor Project I: 3: Semester V. Course Code Course Description Credit Hours; FIN 131 Essential of Finance : 3: CMP 266 Operating Systems: 3: CMP 267 Data Communications and Networks: 3: CMP 268 Mobile Computing (Programming) 3: MGT 314 Management … To add some comments, click the "Edit" link at the top. Please visit for more information. Use a credit card to purchase the course pack. , the conceptualization of Information Systems as structured configurations of elements behaving collectively to serve the information needs of an … Explore the process for closing out the project, Highlight the importance of project team recognition. The case method demands that students challenge each other’s ideas and collectively build upon the collective deliberations. 3 Semester – 5 Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits USIT501 Skill Enhancement Course Software Project Management 2 USIT502 Skill Enhancement Course Internet of Things 2 USIT503 Skill Enhancement Course Advanced Web Programming 2 … Subject: Information Technology with effect from the academic year 2018 – 2019 . (Information Technology) B.C.A. Apply concepts, techniques, and decision tools that are used by, information systems project managers to propose, plan, secure, resources, budget, and lead project teams to successful completions of, Identify typical problems that arise in the course of a project and apply, Identify, analyze and synthesize scholarly literature effectively that. Today, more and more companies are realizing that managing projects is a vital part, of everyone’s job. Management Information System Books. Assignment #2 is an individual written and oral assignment. The Accessibility Office offers a variety of accommodations and services to students with documented disabilities. The case instructor’s role is not to impart wisdom, but to facilitate your learning from each other. Effective and efficient project management matters now more than ever. (Information System Management) B.B.A. This phase depicts the steps for project implementation. THE AIM OF THE COURSE The course aims the students: • to learn about the use of contemporary tools and approaches for information … In this course, students explore project management with a practical, hands-on approach through case studies and class exercises. To the contrary, comments that identify the pros and cons of alternative decisions and generate a healthy debate are strongly encouraged. Students will discover the project life cycle and learn how to build a successful project from pre-implementation to completion. Course content . Instructors. Explain the importance of determining information system requirements for all management levels by describing the differences between various types of information systems. Each assignment must be posted to the course dropbox before or at the time it is due. management process for information systems projects. ‘participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams’). Memory sticks will be returned. Shore, PhD Faculty, Harvard Extension SchoolAdjunct Professor of Organizational Development and ChangeBusiness School, University of Monterrey,, Deb Cote, PMPCorporate Manager, Information SystemsDirector, Project Management OfficeDana-Farber Cancer Institute and Partners Systems and Project Management Syllabus overview This syllabus introduces students to the concepts, tools and issues of the management of information technology and systems, the process and tools of project management, and the control of organisational systems. Be prepared to present your analysis and action in a concise, logical fashion. The student will identify the typical circumstances in which the issue arises, make recommendations on how to address this problem, and how to prevent this problem in the first place. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: The concepts in this course will be taught using a combination of lecture, discussion, and dialogue around cases, with emphasis on active learning. MIS 426: Management Information Systems COURSE SYLLABUS: 2014 Summer 1 Notes to Summer Class: Dear Class, Howdy and welcome to MIS 426!,,,,,,,,, Understand project management design, development, and deployment, Use project management tools, techniques, and skills, Employ strategies to address the ubiquitous issue of resistance to change, Align critical resources for effective project implementation, Understand the implications, challenges, and opportunities of organizational dynamics in project management, Identify and use key performance metrics for project success, Understand how to manage project cost, quality, and delivery, Engage and lead effective project management teams in your organization, Impart project management knowledge, tools, and processes to your colleagues, Recognize and mitigate the early seeds of failure in the project life cycle. Jim has since passed his PMP and currently works at Partners HealthCare, focusing on information security projects. Assignment #3 is a small group-written paper and presentation. Programme: B.Sc. # Management Information System Syllabus. MBA Syllabus - Management Information System Request for Info; I authorize SMU-DE representative to contact me. Find learning and positive experiences with your classmates and the instructor. While there are no right or wrong answers, there are good and bad analyses as well as hasty and impractical recommendations. The length of the course makes advance preparation critical to maximize your investment. Dec. 19, 2017 TMGT 458 – Project Management COURSE SYLLABUS: Spring, 2018 Instructor: Dr. Perry Moler Assistant Professor Department of Engineering & Technology Office Location: Charles J. Austin Engineering & Technology Building, Room 219 Office Hours: M, W, R 8-9 a.m. F 10-12 noon or … 6. The case method provides a pragmatic framework for the learning process. This session will spotlight managing change as a critical element of project management. Identify and use key performance metrics for project success. Course MaterialsThe course materials include one required book and a course pack. Syllabus for HIMT 420 Healthcare Systems: Project Management Course Description This course addresses the phenomenal impact information system (IS) projects have had on healthcare delivery. Reserved for a make-up day in case of snow cancellation. We explore Phase I of the PAMS model, the “Seed” phase. If you absolutely cannot attend class, please let the instructor know in writing in advance. “When Key Employees Clash” HBR Case study, 2012, 4 pages. B.Sc. … Once the concept is approved, teams members must be selected and “onboarded” to the project. Project management theory, terms and concepts are introduced in this course. It is assumed that students MIS433 – Information Systems Project Management Course Syllabus Course Objective : Managing projects within an organizational context, including the processes related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, reporting, and closing a project. The assignment includes a 3-5 page written paper and a 10-minute presentation. II Sem. Class –B.B.A. Phase IV: “Implement”PAMS Process for Project Management. 2. Therefore, … Phase III: “Develop” – Preparing Projects for LaunchPAMS Process for Project Management. Introduction to information systems project. MIS 220 Management Information Systems. Jim Colbert, PMP – Senior Project Specialist, Partners HealthCareJim received his BS in Computer Science and MBA in New Venture Management. so that the class can focus on the preparatio… Assignment #4 is a 20-minute group presentation on 1/20 based on a case study. Project integration, scope, time, cost, quality control, and risk management. Sources should be cited using APA format: Due: Assignment #2: All papers due at 2pm on this date. Course Syllabus ISM6021 – MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS – 3 CREDITS Professor Walter Rodriguez, PhD Fall 2016 August 17 to December 9 General Information Course Number/CRN ISM 6021 CRN 80779 Course Title Management Information Systems Semester/Year Fall 2016 Offering College/Department The presentation should be brought on a thumb drive (memory stick) to class on 1/19. Presentations will be loaded in advance so groups will present without delay. She currently manages a team of 15 project managers who execute enterprise-wide, infrastructure, and security-related projects within the Information Systems Department for the Deputy CIO, CISO, and CTO at Partners HealthCare. Case preparation has two major parts: diagnosis and solution. The Right Start: Preparing people and organizations for the challenge of change. Project Presentations (Assignment #4)All teams present projects on this final day of class. You can add any other comments, notes, or thoughts you have about the course The overriding aim of any case study is to explore the entire range of key issues and fully articulate the potential pros and cons of the possible measures. All students are encouraged to review Writing with Sources, prepared by Harvard’s Expository Writing Program, available at the COOP and online at Extension School is committed to providing an accessible academic community. Meaningful discussions depend upon five prerequisite conditions: 1) presence, 2) punctuality, 3) preparation, 4) participation, and 5) pertinence. Read your assignments, and read them on time. Appreciate why organizations have developed a formal project. The project schedule is communicated to stakeholders and forms the baseline for project control, that is, the project is continuously measured on the basis of its adherence to the schedule. Your in-class contributions are important because you will be learning from one another. This session introduces project management and the PAMS model. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014. The instructor, in this format, only facilitates the discussion. Mastery of key tools and concepts could give you a, significant competitive advantage in the marketplace. Reading list included. The instructor does not judge who or what is right or wrong given the case at hand. Amoako-Gyampah ISM/MBA 654-41 Summer 2011 Syllabus 1 Project Management University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bryan School of Business & Economics Department of Information Systems & Operations Management Course Number: ISM/MBA 654.41 This is an online course so there is no specific meeting time Course Name: Project Management Instructor: Dr. Kwasi … This session will examine the various dimensions of trust: what trust is and is not, how to acquire it, and how to leverage it in managing change and managing projects. - 7th Edition, Information Systems Project Management - Syllabus MMIS 621 Information Systems Project Management(3 credits Fall Term Online CRN 20060 Term Dates August, 1 out of 2 people found this document helpful, MMIS 621: Information Systems Project Management (3, Term Dates: August 22 – December 11, 2016 (16 weeks), Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity, Carl DeSantis Building – Fourth Floor, Room 4056, This course can be accessed in Blackboard via the URL, MMIS 621: Information Systems Project Management – Fall – Online - 2016, Martha Snyder, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. 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