--- Product Overview width: 100%; Grid list. Galaxy 55V AM CB Radio / 10 Meter Export Radio Review The Galaxy DX 55V is a 10 meter export radio manufactured by Galaxy radios. Galaxy DX-929 Brand NewIncludes One Year Warranty The Galaxy DX-929 is a CB radio with 40 CB channels. Galaxy CB Radios. } CB Radios are ideal for communications while travelling and for emergencies. Galaxy DX959 CB Radio. Hello test. --- DX 73V Save 20%. Also there are options to make any of our mobile Cb radios or mobile 10 meter radios a base station by adding a 120Vac to 12Vdc power supply. The Galaxy CB radio DX 959 is one of the most popular models by this brand. One thing I instantly noticed in this Galaxy CB radio … Radios with Public Address (PA) accommodate the connection of a PA horn via wire that is mounted outside the vehicle. CB radios, or citizens band radios, are still used in a number of professions and by many people. Hello test. --- DX 919 (big picture) (54) 54 product ratings - Galaxy DX-949 CB Radio 40 Channel AM/SSB/PA Mobile SWR w/Talkback/Dimmer Black Whoever you're communicating with will also need an SSB equipped radio to understand you properly. 40 Channel AM/SSB CB modes, frequency counter and much more. --- DX 2547 CB Base 44HP. Galaxy DX959B. width: 100%; CB radios use frequencies specifically set aside for this purpose and are great for general communication or if an emergency arises. --- DX 66V } DX2547 (MOSFET Final Version) Serial No. Galaxy CB Radio Sale! DX 949. Regular CB radios including top handheld choices have a lower wattage (around 4 watts) while 10 meter radios or 10 meter CB radios can go up to 200! border-color: 0099cc; In these days of converted 10-meter radios, companies like Cobra, Midland and Uniden seem to be trimming their CB radio lines. Dec 22, 2008 Indiana 0. For Galaxy Cb radios see Cb radio in the left menu. .table_d2e10 td { NOTE: This works on Galaxy Radios that use front microphone that are 8" Wide. 30+ years experience. We also offer a $45 modulation upgrade on select models which includes the tuning. Galaxy DX 33HML cb radio AM/FM bad boy with power microphone mobile cb skip. The radio is manufactured for Galaxy by RCI so don’t be surprised when you look at the board and see Ranger stamped on it. border-color: #000000; Refurbished. ... Galaxy DX 949 SSB CB Radio. 199. * * * * * The inclusion of Galaxy's Galaxy Noise Filter helps increase signal distance, which adds bonus points to the already notably excellent clear audio that's heard loud and clear by receiving CB radios. border-color: #000000; The Galaxy DX 2547 is the only AM & SSB CB Radio still widely sold across the United States. border: 1px solid; --- DX 95T border: 1px solid; DX 939. CB radio is available in many countries around the world. CB Radio Shopping Guide (PDF) Galaxy DX94HP / Ranger RCI2995 DX Amp Board Assembly Kit. Popular among law enforcement, transportation, and even medical care professionals, CB radios have a ton of uses. The Galaxy DX 919 CB Radio is a popular entry level design that still has many of the features you expect in a Galaxy radio. Love Roger Beep? , Galaxy DX Galaxy DX 929 CB Radio. The radio functions are laid out in a driver friendly format essential for ease of use while keeping your eyes focused on the road ahead. Galaxy CB radios are designed with features that a serious CB operator can appreciate and a new user can easily master. DX 98VHP. SSB radios also transmit on the standard CB channels at 4 watts, so you'll always be able to talk to "general" CBers as well. --- DX 2517 Wire colors do … I wide banded the radio so it would cover the range too. Average Rating: (3.8) out of 5 stars. 138 25. It is the Best Dx99V Galaxy Cb Radios available in the market today. 1. In case, if you’re in hurry this is the Best Dx99V Galaxy Cb Radios on Amazon. border-color: 330066; DX959B - Single Sideband Plus A Large Easy To Read Auto-Calibrating SWR Meter means you get a lot in this popular CB radio. ... GALAXY CB Radios GALAXY CB Radios Filter Results. .table_d2e10 { Midland 9001Z. Citizen band radio, commonly called CB, offers a system of short-distance radio communications between folks, typically on a selection of 40 channels within the 27 MHz (11 meter) band. Cobra 29LTD CB Radio - Cobra 29 LTD CB Our Price: $119.00 . Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm. .table_d2e23 { Resources listed under CB Radio Manufacturers category belongs to Transceivers main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. 10 Meter Base Radios This will work on following Galaxy Radio Models: DX33HP2, 44HP, 45HP, 45MP, 47HP, 48T, 93T, 95T, 95T2, 99V2. Although handheld models are available, the most popular CB radios are designed to install in a vehicle and connect to an antenna mounted on the vehicle. --- Tech Support } } If space is not an issue, perhaps one CB radio is available in many countries around the world. Modifications. One of the most well known names for CB radios and 10 Meter radios, Galaxy Radios has set themselves apart from the crowd. --- DX 949 DX 959. 4 Review(s) $159.95. .table_d2e149 { Excellent service, low prices, repair, warranty, tuning and fast world wide shipping on the latest Galaxy radios. DX 929. --- DX 45MP .table_d2e97 { Galaxy offers affordable, high-quality CB radios to users of all skill levels. G6440 - Hustler 430-450 MHz 6Db Gain Omni Base Station Antenna. DX 44HP. border: 1px solid; Galaxy CB Radios : Galaxy 10-meter Radios ** Citizen Band Radios on Sale** DX919: List Price $ 129.95 Discontinued 40 channel CB radio - new smaller chassis (7.25w X 2.25h), Front panel mic jack, variable power output control, and much more. This holiday season, online shopping volumes are at an … DX 94HP. border: 2px solid; Used Radios and Accessories The starlite faceplate allows this radio to use easily in a dark or night environment. Hello test. border-color: #000000; $. Midland back in the hay days was… Back. Durable and easy to use, these radios won't let you down. Makes operating the radio at night much easier. **New November 2016. Regular CB radios including top handheld choices have a lower wattage (around 4 watts) while 10 meter radios or 10 meter CB radios can go up to 200! Fast and Free 3-day Shipping with Right Channel Radios This radio consists of a 5 digit frequency counter on the front. width: 100%; 40-Channel Digital Tuner with X-Tra Talk Microphone Control Large LED Channel Indicator and Illumin.. DX 939. DX 959. DX 47HP. On the Base station 10 meter radio "View Detail" pages you will find more information and tuning selections. new Galaxy radio? Toyocom (MS-5) - Hands Free Remote Mount CB Microphone System, Black, Factory Wired, 4-Pin Cobra-Uniden, Mobile Comm. .table_d2e23 td { .table_d2e97 td { Our current CB and Amateur models are listed below. TECHNICAL & INSTALLATION RESOURCES80,000+ SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, The best unit Galaxy offers with a five-digit frequency counter and long-range SSB performance, Galaxy's smallest SSB-capable radio and the only model with a backlit display, Galaxy's most affordable SSB radio for long-range performance, Set up a permanent, convenient CB communication center, For CB users that want full features but don't require SSB, This CB has the same features of the Galaxy 919 with an added backlit display, An affordable option for an entry-level radio packed with great features. DX2547 . border: 1px solid; Power supply options are listed on the "View Detail" page of the item. Excellent service, lowest prices on Galaxy Dx 959B Cb radio. DX 2547 Base . DX 33HP2. * * * * * Microphones $69.95. Good radio shop near north wv BigRedRam95 posted Oct 24, 2020. The more-advanced 10 meter CB radios should have enough watts of power to broadcast and operate the features. } border: 1px solid; The radio functions are laid out in a driver friendly format essential for ease of use while keeping your eyes focused on the road ahead. Shop eBay for great deals on Galaxy CB Radios. Texas Star Meter, (OutCom) $11.99 . The further the distance the higher the power output. RoadTrucker carefully selected the Galaxy CB radios with MOSFET Finals, which wil produce about 30 to 35 more watts Peak.Galaxy makes top-notch, high quality radios. Galaxy-DX-959 40 Channel AM/SSB Mobile CB Radio. -->, . --- DX 2527 (Discontinued) Review on Amazon. the radio has a small size and wide about 7.25 inches. All of these Galaxy radios are a hit but if we had to choose which ones are most popular, we would say these are some of the top hits: DX959B and DX979. border: 1px solid; .table_d2e149 td { border-color: 669966;
We specialize in radio … 1 Review(s) $159.99. -->, , . For the extra $10 this will make the radio output much louder and "beefier". } *New July 2013 Galaxy DX99V2. -->, ,