I read many stories bout bipolar, i assumed that if my wife is within my radar extramarital wont happen. It's important to stay on top of your medical history. Liz's story: Living with bipolar I didn't have any history of mental ill health until 2002, when I had depression and was prescribed Prozac. Personal stories focusing on various aspects of living with Bipolar Disorder - manic depression. Good luck! Be a part of something that cares about who you are. It just takes time and giving the medications a chance. I hope this part helps. I am the worst version of myself. At the height of her mania she spent 150k on clothes and hotels and was made bankrupt. I also read a biography on Marilyn Monroe that showed her struggle with bipolar and it was extremely interesting. even if things seem uncomfortable, they're only for a time. Your Stories The Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation invites those affected by Bipolar Disorder and their families to share their stories. Now, because of that I am unable to find out any more information about my wife's condition or whereabouts, and after talking to the case manager at the hospital she was originally taken to they told me that due to HIPPA laws the thing they can say is that she was taken to a hospital in "x" and that it is the only one in that county. All that said, I have a pretty good life. “It can take 10 … Have a great job, an apartment, just got a new job, opened my own small business... None of these things could have happened if I'd acted on suicidal thoughts. All stories are unedited. In that span, I tried to take my life three different times—2007, 2008, and 2010. No Invalidation of Users' Experiences or Feelings, No Self-Diagnosing or Armchair Diagnosing, Press J to jump to the feed. If you would like to send in your story and have it posted here, send it in here with "BP Story" in the subject. Would anyone here know what steps I could take now besides wait for my wife to become lucid enough to call me herself. Have you had a non-zero day? (Author’s note and disclaimer: The following piece details my story of overcoming a serious and potentially-fatal mental illness, bipolar II, … I know it looks bad now, but you can get through this. I was on schedule to graduate after spring quarter. There have absolutely been bumps in the road. If you're lucky your insurance kicks in to help offset the cost. Ended up in detox. Hello everyone. I haven't found the perfect medication. When I was 16 I didn't even think I'd be alive in my twenties. So much better. And it can take clinicians a long time to diagnose bipolar disorder properly. I've been medicated for two years now and I'm very pleased to say that I'm going to graduate college with an associates in arts at the end of this term. I got my meds right and was able to get into my dream career succesfully, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the BipolarReddit community. Right now I feel pretty much normal and I feel great. It did take some time for me to understand that taking that extra pill when I needed it wasn't a failure on my part and it isn't going to lead to addiction as long as I continue to only take it when I need it. Bipolar 2 may be up to 3-4 times more common than Bipolar 1, and for reasons that are still being studied, the disorder seems to be becoming more prevalent. He prescribed me depakote which took away the mania but I was still depressed and empty. I never thought I’d ever had to cut his debit card so he wouldn’t spend recklessly. It all was jump-started during finals week of my second to last quarter of college. Every day. If you'd like to know where my treatment was PM me. I see my story as more of a survival story. My shit started to get bad when I was 16, I had a mixed episode where I felt suicidal very often. By Polar Warriors | 2020-07-09T19:13:18+00:00 July 9th, 2020 | Bipolar Disorder Vlog, Bipolar Relationship Help | 0 Comments Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! A lot of people only know bipolar disorder as it's shown on TV or in movies. I would say keep stickin' it out and know that there is help out there (on here for example!) You know the trope: One minute characters are catatonically depressed, and the next they're so manic they think they can fly off a building. Now she's on meds, she is still coming to terms with what happened when she was manic. Allow yourself to be proud of the small things. Would you agree that finding the right medication is my highest priority right now? Everything was new. My husband and I made it through it all and he's never broke his commitment to me "for better or worse" We've been married 7 years and together for 14 years. Can you guys offer some words of advice and some success stories so I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel? It breaks my heart. I'm currently going through a rough patch. They didn't work they just made me have terrible mixed episodes that landed me in the hospital. I just feel even more helpless than before and really regretting not sitting down with my wife and getting medical power of attorney designations filed. Ask for help, and accept the help that is offered when you ask. Psychosis can occur in both bipolar I and bipolar II. A lot of experiences in life are highly over-rated. Treatment may help control symptoms. But good treatment comes at a very high price. Thank you to the moderators of r/BipolarSOs for allowing me to post here!. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This feels like a nightmare scenario for me as her husband not being able to find out anything at all. I have been an RN for 10 years and am currently working towards my master's degree - FNP. I was embarrassed. I'm a 17 year old female and am amongst the still short-term strugglers of bipolar disorder. I had a manic episode two years ago that I am still recovering from, but for the most part I am "stable" and we're decreasing my antipsychotic. The trick is navigating through the risks that sex can present in bipolar … Good luck! She was finally hospitalized after a decade of undiagnosed BP, and has been on heavy medication for a year now. By talking openly, our bloggers hope to increase understanding around mental health, break stereotypes and take the taboo out of something that – like physical health – affects us all. I hope that what we went through and learned last year brings us more peace into our lives this year. The Producers of CBD oil bipolar reddit has a good Reputation and distributes already a long timespan the Products is the unanimous result - it's consequently sufficient Knwo-how there. Then when they admitted her she refused to sign any of the release forms since she was not mentally capable of doing so. Reddit - Bipolar Disorder. This disorder sucks a lot of the time, but it does have a lot to teach us about managing ourselves if we are willing to learn. There are a couple of already popular bipolar subs but having a specific sub just for relationships is important in order to facilitate a community of support. The reason they feel that way is because there depression hasn't completely disappeared. All that said, I have a pretty good life. It is approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression). Bipolar disorder is a real disease that can have a huge impact on friends and loved ones. It can be as simple as your SO taking their medication every day, or resolving an issue in your relationship. Today I approach dating with one purpose— to have fun. Bipolar mania is a period of mood elevation that’s generally characterized by high energy and activity levels—although it’s much more complicated than that. Bipolar stories are invariably gut-wrenching litanies of loss and regret. I'm having suicidal thoughts and I feel like my life is out of control. It hasn't gotten "easy." The first week of taking it I felt 100x better. They're hypersexual and prone to fits of rage. Let's see some positivity to end the week and start the new one off on the right foot! Today’s guest post is … For me it means getting some billable work done and making some money. The fact is, we all have issues, whether you live with bipolar disorder or not. You can get through it, just take it one little step at a time. I love this. I've been mostly on Lamictal since then, and I still have depression and mania, but they're manageable enough most of the time. “I was fiery and ferocious, capable of lighting up a room or just as easily burning it down.” —Julie Kraft. A lot of what happened over the year, I had no idea how to handle. From almost getting divorced during our first few months of marriage to him going through med changes and almost being admitted. But I'm doing great right now. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Stay strong, but ask for help if you need it. Before I was properly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I was diagnosed with depression and loaded up with antidepressants. This resulted in her being admitted as involuntary. The mania was unreal and almost made me questioned my own sanity. r/bipolar: A safe haven for bipolar related issues. Screw, spend, sleep: My battle with bipolar disorder When the mania kicks in, I'm ready to conquer the world -- on no sleep. I had one final exam left before spring break. Hope you're all feeling well. tDCS is a non-invasive, well … I am part of a team of researchers at New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University who are currently recruiting participants for a research study looking at an investigational treatment for self-injury called transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS. It took me years to admit something was wrong. Try to find it and take baby steps toward it every day. The therapy we went through helped us build a stronger relationship and we are now more open and communicative with each other about our feelings. Not just alive, but also very happy. I am depressed and losing hope. I don’t even know if everything I typed even makes sense, but it feels good to let it out. And yet, for all of my professional achievements, I am … I made it through law school. There's a lot to read but the information is ten years old [at best]. But I've achieved more than anyone expected of me. Even with a bad hypomanic episode my first week on the job, knowing when to ask for help, finding that right medication combination and having the proper coping strategies and habits in place...It can be done. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My psychiatrist figured out I was bipolar and took me off the depression medications. This could indicate that mental health professionals are now more adept now at diagnosing the disorder, but more research is … Because of this, it’s important to hear about a variety of experiences. Patient Stories Malia’s Story. And hey, here I am now! I'm supposed to dispense the medication not take it myself. Life is great and I'm the happiest I have ever been. I did well on Lithium for a while but one day it just stopped working. I know it feels hopeless right now but that is because you're depressed you're gonna feel that way. In detox, a nurse noticed some symptoms, called in a doctor, got me a new diagnosis - Bipolar 1. I don't feel numb or like a zombie like people say they do. Bipolar Disorder Stories . To explain my situation yesterday I had to have my wife hospitalized due to an episode of mania psychosis. EDIT: Just to clarify I didn't get good treatment between 16 and the episode 2 years ago. After a particularly crazy manic episode last year (in which I flew to Canada and went nuts) I was hospitalized and diagnosed. It took a while to adjust to the medication, but since then I haven't had an episode and things seem pretty alright. http://www.reddit.com/r/BipolarReddit/comments/2ripic/today_i_submitted_my_particle_physics_phd_thesis/. A Reddit to share information about who you are, how you think, and what helps you cope in life. Bipolar disorder does the dirty work for me and filters out individuals who tiptoe through life. I wrote this earlier this month: http://www.reddit.com/r/BipolarReddit/comments/2ripic/today_i_submitted_my_particle_physics_phd_thesis/. San Francisco, California, ... Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa About Blog Our Lived Experience is a community where South Africans affected by bipolar disorder share their stories, please contact us if you'd like to take part. I went to my psychiatrist last year for depression I tried prozac, Wellbutrin, ect for depression. Share your successes from this past week! Maybe there's something like that for you. I have been on lithium, depakote, and zyprexa with no luck. Those are the facts, and this is my story. Towards the end of the year things started to get better. If you need someone to talk too don't be afraid to pm me. As the years progressed though, the challenges of school and due dates got the better of John, and he began to develop anxiety and had difficulty sleeping. So now I'm in my chosen profession, but it's still a daily struggle. I don't think it's out there for me. Depression cycles always feature the worst parts of my personality. I have very rapid cycling and mixed episodes. Thanks for listening. There are still days where I think I rule the world and the next day I'm not be able to get out of bed. I still have bad days but things are getting better. I was 23. Being in a relationship where one or both partners have bipolar disorder is not easy. Bipolar disorder usually includes manic and depressive episodes, but there can also be … The thing about bipolar disorder, there is help out there, but it is extremely costly. Please email the Foundation at mystory@questforthetest.org with your story. I've now managed to get through well over 30 years without killing myself, so I consider that to be a strong success. Then comes the crash, and I can barely move I lost my apartment when I quit my job because I want to go to Elvis's house, and drove from New England to Tennessee. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I started out as the party girl, and spiraled into a puddle on the floor. This group always gave great advice and helped me so much last year with what I wAs going through. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. ... Sabrina's Most Recent Stories. The Out of Darkness project is an innovative form of the illness narrative, medical stories that reveal how people travel through and confront suffering in the hope that their experiences can be of value to others. I’ve also learned more about bipolar disorder this past year, than what I thought I knew during the time we dated. It definitely made me feel not alone. And if someone won’t give you a chance because of a label, consider yourself lucky. The depressive episodes were the scariest. It's all about finding that one right medication that makes all the difference. John’s sleep pattern became worse as he got older, and began averaging four hours of … I gotta say I cried most of the year and thought a lot about leaving my marriage behind. I first saw a psychiatrist in 2008, when I was a freshman in college. Essentially, they're portrayed as co… We are a community here not just a help page. It was tough and took me a lot longer than it took everyone else, I struggled a lot but now...now I work as a Peer Specialist for a crisis mental health team. Your story sounds exactly like my sister. My parents never told me that I was diagnosed and, more importantly, didn't tell my psychiatrist about what happened so I was "re-diagnosed" as MDD and given a bunch of antidepressants that eventually caused the mania. I wouldn't have this position without the experience and lessons afforded to me by this diagnosis (or the diagnosis itself). Press J to jump to the feed. So he took me off that and put me on latuda. My Story with Bipolar Disorder . I practice law because solving problems for others is really the only thing I've ever found even moderately effective at motivating me. He recovered and has been doing well with his new med combo. So far these past few months have been stable. My bad anxiety and depression went away. His parents encouraged him, but seeking professional help was not an option. I am mostly glad I decided to live, and vastly grateful that I managed to pay into Social Security every year from the age of 15 to the age of 53. Things have gotten a lot better. There are still days where I think I rule the world and the next day I'm not be able to get out of bed. A non-zero day might just mean that you woke up and showered, maybe cleaned something. Bipolar Disorders. As a young boy, John did not show signs of mental illness; he was happy and social. Because one would think that your legal spouse should be able to have full access to at least her location. I felt better but I was still depressed and having some mood swings. Bipolar Stories: Real-Life Experiences I'm settled into the first stability I have ever had as an adult. Sex is not one of them. Ever since I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 10 years ago in high school it has been a struggle. Don't lose hope you can and will find the right medication to bring you back to life. Good, call that a success. I have been living in the same place for the longest time since I left my childhood home. Your perspective and your experience are priceless. There always will be. Since then, I've been sober and taking my medicine. I don’t know how I did it but I managed to keep him out of the hospital. Take joy in the accomplishments that you do have. I also have a blog, in which I share my stories about living with bipolar disorder. My life was chaos for a long time. 2020 was one heck of a year. I was so confused and couldn't tell the side effects apart from the drugs because I didn't know why I was taking them or what they are. I then self-medicated the mania with alcohol. A mom with bipolar disorder is standing up for her health, and not at the cost of her baby's. I love that you still find the bright side and that you can still be thankful for successes even though you wouldn't think anything of them if you didn't have to deal with all this in the first place. No one told me what my diagnosis was or helped me, other than giving me risperdal & klonopin, which are pretty much the two drugs approved to treat BP in teenagers. The bad days don't happen as frequently is the best improvement and now I am able to keep some extra buspirone on hand for when things get too bad. I honestly can say that up until the end of college I had no discernible signs of a mental illness. Hello, I’m Mailia, a wife, a mother of four and a nurse. I'm the nurse. But once you find a good medication the hopelessness will disappear and you will finally feel alive again. At the age of 36, after decades of struggle with erratic mood swings—periods of mania followed by debilitating depression—and ample doses of anxiety and frustration, Julie Kraft, a mother of three, was finally diagnosed with bipolar II disorder in 2010. But the hard work can totally be worth it. My bipolar depression cycles are the worst parts of me. People with bipolar I can experience a … Quarantine triggered a lot of manic episodes and ended with him losing multiple jobs, leaving me as the sole provider for a while. It was harder than it was for most people at my intellectual aptitude level, but I made it, and passed the bar. I have bipolar I, BPD, Anxiety and depression issues, and PTSD. I don't have a real success story. I still felt moderately/mildly depressed so he put me on lamictal too. They can't hold down a steady job, and their relationships with friends and family are destructive at best. I was the most irritable, lethargic, depressed/happy, anxious person ever when I was in the hospital. This sub is a place that people can come for advice or just to vent so that we do not affect our significant others with our emotions. For those with a dual diagnosis of bipolar plus substance use, entertainment journalist Conor Bezane has been there, done that—and he compiles inspiring peer stories to share. Bipolar disorder: blogs and personal stories The following blog posts are written by people with personal experience of bipolar disorder . Cookies help us deliver our Services. The thing about bipolar disorder, there is help out there, but it is extremely costly. But you've got to keep going. "All that said, I have a pretty good life.". About 5 1/2 years ago, I drank so much in one night that I damn near killed myself. I am usually a very understanding and supportive person but these past experiences really brought me to a breaking point. I managed to hobble through school and university by making good use of my support network and coping strategies. I used to be a fucking mess. It's not going to be easy. Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Vk I was able to graduate college and hold down a job. Two days ago I started taking symbyax which is a combination of zyprexa and an SSRI. I have bipolar I, BPD, Anxiety and depression issues, and PTSD. Any other time I have seen it portrayed in the media, for example in the show Homeland or Shameless, it really sparks my interest and makes me want find more examples of it in shows, books, documentaries etc. Depression cycles can last for years—my longest lasting from 2006 to 2010. I'd been warned by so many people that taking pills would turn me into a "zombie." Everyone’s experience with bipolar disorder is a little different. Get through this billable work done and making some money me and filters individuals... 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